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Somewhere in outer space, near the red planet known as Mars, an Autobot ship was cruising through the stars.  Its passengers were weary from the war, they were also downcast about having to abandon their home world, but what choice did they have?  Cybertron was uninhabitable, there was no turning back.  On the ship, a silver femme was walking the halls.  She had a lot on her processer, in particular, how the war made her lose her two best friends.  One friend was lost at the blades of some Decepticon spider femme, the other was captured by the Cons and brainwashed into joining them.  Now she was all alone because of it, the thought of what happened to her home world and her friends brough tears to her optics.  Finally, it was too much.  As the silver femme slumped against a wall to cry, another crew member noticed.

Preceptor: Roadflare, what's wrong?

Roadflare:(sniffs) The war.  Our home.  I just want it to stop.

Preceptor:(Helps her up) I want it to stop too, but we must not lose hope.  We will find a way to restore our home Roadflare, I promise.

Roadflare hugged Perceptor, but before they could talk further, the ship was suddenly rocked.  They were under attack!

Roadflare: What's happening!?

Preceptor: I don't know!

The Autobor scientest soon found out when the ship's intercom came on.

Captain: All hands we are under attack!  Man your battle stations!

Roadflare's sorrow was soon replaced with alarm and urgency.  She immediately ran to her station, the control station for one of the blaster cannons on the side of the ship.  She powered up the turret and armed the blasters.  Once she was ready, she saw through the gunsight who was attacking their ship; Cybertronian pirates.  They were approaching her ship in shuttles, once the first one was in range, she fired her cannons, the rapid-fire blasters hit the shuttle and blew it to pieces.  She lined up the next one and cut the next one in two.  When she shot down a third shuttle, she saw two pirates drifting in space, she lined up her blasters and fired, snuffing both of them.  However, as she lined up on the fourth shuttle, it started firing at her turret, knocking it out.  

Roadflare: Scrap!  My turrets down!

Before she could switch to another one, the ship was rocked again and all of the turret's screens were offline, the ship was now vulnerable to being boarded.  The captain can onto the intercom to confirm that.

Captain: All hands we are being boarded!  I repeat!  We are being boarded!  Defend the ship at all costs!

Roadflare turned her hands into her blasters and ran out of the weapons control room into the hallway.  As she patrolled the hallway, the door next to her was blown open and two pirates came out of it with blaster rifles out.

Pirate #1: Well, looky what we have here.

Pirate #2: A femme, and a pretty one too, (seductively) what to come with us hot rims?

Roadflare:(disgusted) In your dreams pirate!

Roadflare started fired her blasters, she hit the first one in the chest several times before his spark went out.  The other pirate brought his rifle up, but Roadflare shot it out of his hands and then shot him right between the optics, making him go down as well.

Roadflare smirked, but soon two more pirates started shooting at her from behind, she ducked behind a column on the wall and shot both pirates right between the optics, killing both of them.  However, before Roadflare could marvel at her marksminship, the ship shook again, this time much more violently, and it seemed to be pitching, that meant one thing, the ship was going down!

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