Out of the Past

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Somewhere in the desert, two femmes, a mech and a human were out with a new relic at their disposal.

Thomas: So, this is the relic huh?  

Dodger: Nice job recovering it Gulf.

Gulfstream: Thanks.  It was a snap.  And it was fun shooting Harpoon down. (smirks)

That made Dodger smile, while he would like to see his old enemy dead or imprisoned, he wasn't going to flat out murder him.  Unlike Harpoon, Dodger doesn't cross lines like that.  Harpoon may not be dead or in prison right now, but it was gratifying to know that he could be beaten by anybody on his team.  But right now, they had a relic to test.

Dodger: So, what is this relic anyways.

Roadflare: It looks like the Wings of Andromeda.  It gives the user the ability to fly.

Thomas: How'd you know that?

Roadflare: I saw some of these relics at Iacon, including this one and the Phase Shifter that Arcee and Bumblebee recovered.  They were on display at the hall of records before they were sealed away during the war.

Thomas: Well then, lets fire it up!

Dodger took the Wings of Andromeda and attached them to his chest.  Suddenly, a metallic suit started forming around him and a large pair of wings emerged on the suit's back.  The suit also covered Dodger's head with what looked like an astronaut's helmet.  On the suit's feet, thrusters powered up and Dodger started flying through the sky.  Dodger was surprised at first but then the wings started moving, allowing him to steer.  He flew around for several minutes, much to the amazement of Thomas, Gulfstream and Roadflare.  Soon enough, Dodger slowed down and landed.  He pressed the blue button on the relic and the suit started to disasemble and fold back into itself until it was its original look, a hockey puck shaped pod with wings on it.

Thomas: Whoa!  That was awesome!

Roadflare: Pretty handy.  Now I want to try something with it.

Dodger: Sure, have at it. (Hands her the relic)

Roadflare:(takes out her T-Blaster) Hold this for a sec.

Roadflare and Dodger traded relics and once Roadflare was encased in the metallic flight suit, she took the T-Blaster back and took flight.  Once she was over a dried-out lake, she got on the comm-link.

Roadflare: OK guys, come on over, this you gotta see.

Dodger transformed, allowing Thomas to get in.  He drove over to the lakebed and stopped underneath Roadflare as she hovered in the air.  Gulfstream flew over and landed next to Dodger.  Thomas got out and the two Bots transformed.

Dodger: OK Flare, what'd ya got?

Roadflare: See those old boats in the lake?  Watch this.

As Dodger, Thomas and Gulfstream turned their attention to the three old row boats in the lake, Roadflare switched her T-Blaster to 'sniper' mode and shot each boat dead center, turning them into matchwood.

Dodger: Nice shooting Flare, but why are you showing us this?

Roadflare: Simple.  With the Wings, I can still use my T-Blaster, giving us another way to dish out, Death from Above.

Gulfstream: Easy high ground, clever.

Thomas: And she can change firing positions in a hurry.  Pretty cool!

Dodger: Nice job Flare.  C'mon down and let's head back to base.

Roadflare: Copy that.

Roadflare came down and deactivated the Wings of Andromeda.  Now out of the flight suit, she transformed and drove off.  Dodger transformed and Thomas got in, allowing them to follow her.  Gulfstream transformed and took flight.  Soon, they arrived at base.  Dodger and Roadflare drove through the enterance tunnel and Gulfstream ducked under the door to follow them through.  But when she got to the main room, she was greeted with the sight of Bulkhead lying on the ground with Arcee looking on, and Miko scolding him. 

TFP: Dodger's Greatest Encounter (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now