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After taking an energy blast to the stern from the Star Saber, the Nemesis was flying away at full speed.  Never before had the Decepticons faced such a formidable weapon.  Even Megatron feared this sword.

Dreadwing: Forgive me, lord Megatron.  While I do not question the wisdom of our tactical retreat, know that I am fully prepared to lead the troops in a counterattack against the Autobots.

Megatron: Counterattack? Perhaps you failed to notice Optimus Prime cleave an entire mountain with a single blow.  With the Star Saber in his possession, my enemy can obliterate us all with a wave of his hand!  I must find a way to tip the balance of power back in our favor.

Dreadwing: Do we not also possess a powerful relic of the ancients?

Megatron: Indeed, the Forge of Solus Prime.  But it is useless, except in the hand of a Prime.

But Megatron started laughing evilly as he just realized a way to utilize the power of the forge.

Megatron: But I might wield that power if I were to control such a hand! 

(Autobot base)

Meanwhile, Optimus was using the Star Saber to receive a message from his former mentor, the Autobot sage and Iacon's master archivist, Alpha Trion.

The message in question tells Optimus of how all of these relics of Iacon, as well as all these captured Decepticon weapons, came to land on Earth.  Alpha Trion also mentions a great battle waged upon this planet foretold by the ancients.  The scale of the battle, as well as its outcome is unknown however, even to Alpha Trion.  But the Autobot sage had one last message, the last of the Iacon relics, the most powerful of them all, and the ones that could change the fate of Cybertron.

With that, the sword stopped glowing and Optimus returned to the outside world.

Ratchet: Easy, Optimus.

Smokescreen: So, did Alpha try and ask about me? (Bulkhead shoves him at his comment)

Bulkhead: What was the message? 

Optimus: It is paramount that we recover the final six Iacon relics.  The Omega Keys.

Arcee: Keys?

Ratchet: To what? 

Optimus: To the regeneration of our home planet.

That got all of the Bots' attention.  The regeneration of Cybertron?  Their home world has been dark and lifeless for eons, could these "Omega Keys" really revive their war-ravaged planet?

(Earth's orbit)

The Nemesis was currently flying out of Earth's atmosphere towards Earth's Moon.  Megatron was on the flight deck with Titania and Dreadwing.

Dreadwing: Earth's Moon is a barren rock, is it not?

Titania: Lifeless.  Not even bacteria. 

Megatron: Indeed.  But the Moon is not our destination.

Then something emerged from behind the moon, a giant metal ring, and not just any giant metal ring.

Dreadwing: A spacebridge? 

Titania: We have one of those?

Megatron: Indeed Titania, our very own, relocated here after the Autobots discovered its whereabouts on Earth.

The spacebridge in question used to be in an energon mine.  But it was relocated after the Autobots captured and used it to travel to Vector Sigma with one of their human friends.  At the end of the whole fiasco, Orion Pax had returned to Optimus Prime.  The spacebridge was relocated to behind the moon for a very good reason. 

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