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Somewhere in the Cascade Mountains, the Nemesis was hovering above the forest.  They were responding to a beacon of one of their own.  Sure enough, the Nemesis extended its elevator tube, and a black and pink femme stepped aboard.  The femme in question walked the halls towards the bridge.  Vehicons stopped when they noticed the newcomer, she just continued on until she ran into a certain cherry red mech.

Knockout: Well well, a newbie.  And a femme no less. (flirty) Welcome to the Nemesis hot rims.

The femme smirked and then fast as lightning, she tackled the red medic and pinned him to the wall.  Knockout was stunned but then complained.

Knockout: H-Hey watch the finish!

Titania: The names Titania.  And if you try to flirt with me... (leans into his audio receptor then whispers) ...your finish will be the least of your worries, are we clear?

Knockout: Y-Yes!  Sorry miss!

Titania: Good boy. (Releases him) Now, be a gentlemech and show me to the bridge.

Knockout: Right this way.

Knockout lead Titania to the bridge, along the way, she ran into a big blue mech with a missing optic who seemed to know the cherry red one.  He was curious about the newcomer, but he welcomed her aboard.  Then she ran into another mech, he too was missing an optic, but he seemed anything but friendly.  Then she ran into a spider femme, she was rude and... just creepy.  Finally, she came to the bridge where she saw a slender mech with no face.  But soon Knockout got the attention of the one she came to see.

Knockout: Lord Megatron, we have a visitor.

The big silver mech turned and saw the black and pink femme before him as she bowed.  He was surprised but satisfied that she was the Decepticon they have come to retrieve.

Megatron: Titania, what a pleasant surprise

Titania: Lord Megatron, the honor is mine.

Megatron: Rise Titania, skill and loyalty such as a rare treasure.

Titania:(stands) Thank you my liege, but my loyalty is not my sole reason for coming to this planet.

Megatron: I see, and what else brought you here?

Titania: Justice my liege. (angry) Justice for my mechfriend, Turbowing.

Megatron remembered that name, he saw to his destruction.  Of course, he couldn't let Titania know that.  So, he walked closer and continued to play along.

Megatron: I've heard about him.  Turbowing may have been an Autobot. (Places a finger under her chin) But no one should have to see their loved one perish.  Especially at the hands of one's former friend.  Rest assured Titania.  Roadflare will answer for her crime.  All of the Autobots will.  But vengeance will not be allowed within my ranks.

Titania: But master...

Megatron: No buts.  Pursing revenge will only result in our missions unraveling.  Do you understand?

Titania: Yes...master. 

Megatron: Good. (To Knockout) Knockout.  Show Titania to the officers' quarters. (To Titania) You can have one of the spare berthrooms.  Your dismissed.

Titania: Thank you master.

As Knockout escorted her to her quarters, Knockout was complaining about the scratches she left on him.

Titania: Oh, come on Knockout, that'll buff right out, I was just laying down the law with you.

Knockout: Well...could you do so without scratching my paint next time!?

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