Operation Bumblebee Pt. 1

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After stopping Unicron, seizing a spacebridge and sending Arcee and Jack to Cybertron, the Autobots and their human friends had succeeded in recovering Optimus Prime.  Team Prime was back in the game.  But now, they are about to face new adventures.  And new dangers.

Today was one such challenge.  Optimus, having had his Decepticon logos returned to their original Autobot logos, was currently investigating an ancient Autobot signal with Dodger and Ratchet.  What the signal meant was unknown, but whatever it is, they weren't the only ones who detected it; they came to an old quarry to find Megatron personally coming to a Decepticon dig site. 

Ratchet: Megatron? 

Optimus: It seems you detected the ancient autobot frequency precisely because it was unearthed. 

Ratchet: Well, our backup shouldn't be far behind.

Optimus: Without knowing what the decepticons have exhumed, (deploys blaster) I do not think I am willing to wait. (Turns to Dodger) Dodger, you are on overwatch. 

Dodger: Roger that boss.

Optimus started down the cliff with Ratchet.  Dodger brought the T-Blaster with him, which he set to 'machine gun' mode and took up a position on the cliff.  Megatron watched as two of the Vehicons reached down into the hole after they hit something.

Megatron: Show me.

The two Vehicons pulled out a Cybertronian relic pod, similar to the one Dodger found the Energon Afterburner in.  What kind of relic is this one?

Megatron: Bring it to me with utmost care.

As Megatron opened the relic pod, he was interrupted by his former friend turned enemy running towards him with Ratchet.

Optimus: Megatron!  I cannot allow you to pilfer Autobot relics!

Megatron: Not only are you misinformed, Optimus, but i would strongly advise you to lower your weapons unless you're in the mood for mutually assured destruction.

To emphasize, Megatron pulled out the relic in the pod, but the relic in question made the Autobots stop cold.

Ratchet: It can't be...

Dodger:(To himself) By the Allspark...

Optimus: The Spark Extractor...

Megatron: Rather unassuming.  Yet capable of extracting every spark within its radius.  And to think that you led me straight to it, Optimus.  Or should I say Orion Pax did?  You really should have left your Decepticon shield intact for you have no idea how useful your code-breaking skills proved to be during our all-too-brief time together. (Into comm) Soundwave, send the ground bridge.

Right on que, a groundbridge appeared.

Megatron: Engage them! 

The Vehicons started firing at Optimus and Ratchet as Megatron walked towards the vortex.  Optimus and Ratchet started fighting back with their blasters and blades.  Dodger started using the T-Blaster to riddle any flanking Con with rapid blaster fire.  Pretty soon, their backup; Bumblebee, roared over the cliff into the quarry in his vehicle mode.  He weaved through Cons and drove up the walls towards his comrades.  And the vortex.

Optimus: Bumblebee!  Secure the package!

Bumblebee roared into the vortex as Megatron walked into it, after a few seconds, he came back out with a Loop-de loop.  When he landed, all the Vehicons were scrapped.  But that didn't mean they could take it slow.  They ran out of the quarry, leaving a fuming Megatron behind.

Ratchet: Bumblebee, did you retrieve the package?

Bumblebee: =I got it! =

Dodger: Nice work Bee!

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