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At Megatrons feet, lay all six Omega Keys.  Starscream had given the Autobots his request for his T-Cog replacement as a diversion while he used Red Energon to sneak into the Autobot base and nab all of their Omega Keys.  Those keys, plus the one Starscream already had, would make priceless bargining chips.  Hence why Starscream was currently bowing at the feet of his former master.

Megatron: Few things of value come without a price.  So tell me Starscream, what is it that you wish in return? 

Starscream: Only to be a Decepticon once again.

Megatron: Dreadwing is my first lieutenant now.

Starscream: And I accept that much has changed during my absence.  I only wish to serve you, my one true master, in any way that you deem fit.

Megatron: I am deeply impressed by your accomplishment, Starscream.  And know that I will put your offerings to good use, whatever the outcome.

Starscream: Uh, outcome? (Chuckles nervously) Of what? 

Megatron: See to it that Knockout is extracted from the wall.

Dreadwing: Yes, my leige.

Megatron: Titania.  Ready the cortical psychic patch.

Titania: Yes master.

Starscream: Aheh...the...patch?

Megatron: Indeed Starscreem.  For me to even think about allowing you to rejoin our ranks, I will need to do a little..."research." (Glares)

Starscream could only whimper, whatever Megatron had in mind, it wasn't going to be pretty.  For Starscream that is.

Several minutes later, Knockout was out of the wall and stretching.  Megatron and Starscream were both on medical berths, and the cortical psychic patch was fired up.

Knockout: Ah, it's good to be back. (Plugs in patch) Now, what will we be fishing for today, my liege? 

Megatron: Starscream's true motives.

Now Starscream could panic, they were looking into past events to determine if Starscream was worthy of rejoining the Decepticons.  And saying it was an uphill battle for Starscream was putting it lightly...

It starts with footage of the spacebridge explosion.  And Megatron's apparent demise. 

Past Starscream: Decepticons, it is with deep sorrow that I note for the log, Megatron's spark has been extinguished.  All hail Starscream.

Past Vehicons: All hail Starscream! 

Megatron: Well, well.  You certainly didn't waste any time.

Starscream:(gasps) What?! I just watched you perish! 

Megatron: I did not perish then, and I'm very much with you now, the present you, as well as the past.

On the video feed, as the Vehicons continued to chant "All Hail Starscream!", The past Starscream started doing a little victory dance, much to the current Starscream's embarrassment, and to the amusement of Knockout.

Knockout: This is going to be juicy.

(A/N: Juicy Indeed Knockout....)

Past Vehicons: All hail Starscream! 

Starscream: (chuckles nervously) You're inside my head, aren't you?

Megatron: The cortical psychic patch.  You see, there are no secrets in here, only your memories.  You cannot manipulate their content or modify their outcome.  What we see is how it happened.

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