BAD REPUTATION, sirius black

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TITLE: Bad reputation*


OC: Tabitha Goldfinch

FACE CLAIM: Natalia Dyer

YEAR: seventh*

HOUSE: Gryffindor

STATUS: open


In which Tabitha Goldfinch is tired of being perfect and recruits the worst troublemaker she can think of- Sirius Black


in which Sirius Black finds out that Tabitha Goldfinch isn't the prissy cow he expected her to be


      ➼...𝘽𝙀𝙄𝙉𝙂 the daughter of the head of the Ministry of Magic isn't as exciting as it sounds. Pressure to be perfect has consumed Tabitha's entire life. Full marks on every test, spotless track record, perfect appearance- that's all Tabitha's life has been. Extra curricular after extra curricular, advanced classes and tutoring even in the subjects Tabitha exceled at.

       It was only a matter of time until she cracked, and who better to help her than trouble maker almighty- Sirius Black.


      ➼...𝙏𝘼𝘽𝙄𝙏𝙃𝘼 comes to Sirius in the last year of Hogwarts begging for his help. Over the summer she realises that she's missed out on so much because of her driven academics. She realises that she only has a year to experience everything she's ever missed out on due to joining the ministry straight after school finishes. 

       She knows no one better than Sirius Black at breaking the rules, thus recruits his help in exchange for two weeks worth of doing his homework. Sirius dubbs Tabitha Goldfinch 'Tabby Finch' and the two quickly become partners in crime.

       However when Tabitha's parents get wind of what she's doing, her mother warns her that she might be having fun now, but that she's had her whole future lined up perfectly and hanging out with Sirius will jeopardize it. 

       At some point in the book Tabitha and her mother fight and her mother warns her that she will be cut off if she continues her troublemaking. Tabitha tries to explain it's only for a year to get it all out of her system before she never gets the chance again yet her mother wont listen and threatens to cut Tabitha off and warns that Sirius will break her heart. Tabitha doesn't listen and the two consequently fall out.

       Eventually Tabitha and Sirius do something big that lands them both in trouble and Tabitha decides to stop. Sirius relents yet the two still find themselves drawn to each other. I.e. If Tabitha's working late in the library and accidentally misses dinner Sirius will make her a sandwich, or stay with her etc. 

       However as her mother promised, Sirius ends up breaking Tabitha's heart (up to you how) and she's devastated. When she returns home Tabitha promises to get back on track with her studies and make up for all the wasted time she and Sirius spent being troublemakers. 

      ENDING ONE- (slowburn unhappy ending): The two go their separate ways yet meet years later at a Ministry function. Tabitha's worked extremely hard and is now the head of the Ministry of Magic. Sirius and James have both become Aurors (that's how the two meet again). They rekindle their romance years later yet it doesn't work out again and the two are left just acquaintances who nod at each other in the Ministry halls and have a lot of history.

       ENDING TWO- (happy ending bc the two are too cute): Sirius turns up at Tabitha's doorstep when he notice's she's not in school and her mother tries to turn him away but Tabitha says to let him in. They talk the whole afternoon, reaching a compromise, and decide they'll continue their relationship but there has to be some changes i.e. Tabitha will still do pranks with Sirius but not on a large scale as she'll also be focusing on her studies. 


𝐢. Tabitha's birthday's the twenty seventh of may, she's a Gemini

𝐢𝐢. She has no friends due to devoting all her time to her studies

𝐢𝐢𝐢. However she does have one acquaintance- Otto Bagman, the two study together all the time

𝐢𝐯. A song that really reminds me of the two is 'Moral of the story' by Ashe

PASSWORD: favourite colour

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❝There's absolutely no way- Goldfinch gone bad? This I've got to see-❞

❝There's absolutely no way- Goldfinch gone bad? This I've got to see-❞

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