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TITLE: Writing in the margins*

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TITLE: Writing in the margins*


OC: Willow Abernathy*

FACE CLAIM: Daisy Edgar Jones*

YEAR: seventh*

HOUSE: Hufflepuff*

STATUS: open


In which Willow Abernathy goes mental trying to find her lost book


In which Remus Lupin finds a mysterious book with annotations all up the margins


       ➼...𝙒𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙊𝙒 Abernathy was far from the bubbly, excited girl she appeared around others. In reality she had demons- lots of them. Their weight was a constant, getting heavier each day she had to carry them around. She didn't expect anyone to feel the same, how could they? Hers was a unique situation.

       For you see, Willow didn't have a particularly easy life outside of Hogwarts. Her parents arguably weren't the most amicable people, and her older sister, well. She was never there, whether it be at home or in the Halls of Hogwarts. Willow never saw her. 

       A life without love- whether it be agape or philia-  is boring to say the least, however more importantly it's lonely. 

        Thus, the girl resorted to burying her nose deep in the spines of books, often stopping to annotate them in the process. Her latest one wasn't quite finished yet, for The Picture of Dorian Gray was no easy feat to finish, what with it's morose themes and overwhelmingly depressing message. 

       Because of this, when Remus Lupin finds the book sitting in a quiet corner of the library, he has the perfect opportunity to finish it for her, despite not knowing who it belongs too. What he sees from the annotations in the margins is a sad and lonely girl trying to lessen the crippling weight on her shoulders via the distraction of books- and Remus was no stranger to either the constant weight or books. 

       And so the boy resolves to hopefully brighten the mysterious owner of the book by adding his own snippets of annotations. They weren't much, he could only give what he had, yet he hoped they were worth something. As mentioned earlier, Remus often wished someone had been there to do the same for him- if he could brighten Willows days at least marginally, it counted for something. After all, maybe the owner would reply...

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