WARNING SIGNS, regulus black

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TITLE: Warning signs* 

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TITLE: Warning signs* 

LOVE INTEREST: Regulus Black

OC: Lauren Avery

FACECLAIM: Elle Fanning 

YEAR: seven

HOUSE: Slytherin

STATUS: closed


In which Hogwarts resident seer foresees Regulus's Blacks doomed future and tries to change it


In which Regulus Black is drowning and only his enemy knows how to save him


       ➼...𝙄𝙁 𝙔𝙊𝙐 asked Lauren Avery whether she enjoyed being a seer she would instantly reply no. Furthermore, if you told Lauren she'd be the only one able to save her enemy- Regulus Black, she'd burst out laughing. Her save Regulus Black? Over his dead body. 

       Lauren and Regulus were no stranger to each other. Hell, they knew bloody everything about each other- not by choice of course. Every summer without fail the two would visit each others homes for a week. One singular week a year, where the two had to endure each others hideous company due to Adelaide Avery and Walburga Black being close acquaintances. 

       The two mothers must've thought themselves frightfully clever for deciding their youngest children would wed as they concocted a plan the moment the babies were born- make the two spend one week each summer together in hopes that by the time they were old enough, they would accept the proposal put forward by the families. 

        Now this would've been an excellent plan, had Lauren and Regulus not entirely despised each other. There were many causes for the deep rooted hatred yet there were two that still remained undefeated. 

       Firstly, the two shared the same birthday, and every single year they would try to out do each other whether it be in how many people came or who had the better decorations.

       Secondly, the two were in all the same classes. Every single one. Both had brilliant minds and as you can suspect, teachers dreaded having to see both their names right next to each other on the register at the start of each new year. Their constant bickering and sniping made it impossible to teach a lesson- them always being sat next to each other due to the alphabetically ordered seating plan only encouraged it. 

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