CRUEL VERITAS, matthew fairchild

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TITLE: cruel veritas*

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TITLE: cruel veritas*

LOVE INTEREST: Matthew Fairchild

OC: Clarity Dauphain

FACE CLAIM: Mackenzie Foy


In which the barmaid of the devils tavern wants to be more than just a pretty face


In which Matthew Fairchild falls for the sharp tongued server, Clarity Dauphain


       ➼ ...𝙃𝙊𝙒 does one sum up a life like Clarity Amelié Dauphain's? It's messy, complicated, difficult yet it was made a whole lot better when Matthew Fairchild stumbled into the Devils Tavern one stormy evening, already drunk out of his mind. 

       Fast forward a year later and Clarity's introduced to his band of 'merry thieves' as Matthew dubbed them. How convenient that their hideout was above the very tavern that Clarity worked at, how convenient that whenever she was serving, bottles of scotch went missing from behind the bar. How convenient they knew she'd never tell on them. 

        For you see, Clarity was well known at the tavern. She'd been there her entire life. Before her, Clarity's mother Eva Dauphain worked the bar, paying some of the younger barmaids to keep an eye on Clarity when she was busy. 

        Clarity had grown up in the tavern, and when her mother fell ill with a ghastly case of influenza it quickly became apparent to Clarity that the girls who'd worked the bar were more than happy to take her in, even sewing her black mourning dresses for the funeral when her mother passed. 

       However what also became apparent was the fact that Eva Dauphain was a woman of many secrets, a woman who hid many things from her child growing up. The evening of Eva's death, she called Clarity to her cramped bedside, and unearthed a secret that she'd intended to keep hidden for years more.

       Clarity had never felt her heart wrench such as it did when her mother spoke her last words, revealing a shocking secret. 

       Clarity was not a mundane with the sight like she'd thought all her life, but instead one of them- a Shadowhunter. To make matters worse, she wasn't just any Shadowhunter- Clarity Dauphain was the bastard child of Elias Carstairs- renowned gentleman of aristocratic society, or so everyone thought.


    ➼ ...𝙎𝙊𝙊𝙉 after her mother passed Clarity began working full time in the tavern, no longer just occasionally tending the bar or delivering a round of drinks, she had to find some way to pay the rent for the dingy flat near the tavern her mother had worked so hard to keep, even when the landlords were banging the door down demanding the overdue payments. 

        There was one good thing about the miserable little flat though, it was right next door to the tavern, meaning getting to and from work was an easy feat. It also meant that  Clarity could keep an eye on the Merry thieves' hideout upstairs ensure they weren't wreaking hell incarnate) as well as Matthew when he drunk himself to oblivion every other night. 

        However, when the Merry Thieves come knocking for something other than free drinks or her spectacularly good judgement, Clarity finds herself with proper purpose- something she'd been severely lacking in the months after her mother passed. When they ask her to go undercover to help Cordelia with her father that's something Clarity knows she can do, after all she's a Shadowhunter bearing no marks, who better to go undercover...


𝐢. Clarity has a sharp tongue due to having to ward off handsy customers late at night yet she makes up for it by also having a heart of gold.

𝐢𝐢. She'll never admit it but Matthew is really the only friend she's ever had. The only other people she's close with are the barmaids at the devils tavern and they're more like sisters and she grew up in their company

 𝐢𝐢𝐢. the name Clarity means truth, as does the word veritas, and as we all know- Matthew Fairchild and the truth aren't a very amicable pairing hence the title 'cruel' veritas. Also her mother grew up in Paris and spoke French to Clarity so she'd pick up the language young. 

𝐢𝐯. a song that reminds me of Clarity and Matthew is 'Come back for me' by Jaymes Young

PASSWORD: favourite Shadowhunter's character

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❝sing me sweet nothings, woo me fair maiden-❞

❝Oh piss off Matthew, your completely hammered again!❞

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❝Oh piss off Matthew, your completely hammered again!❞

❝Oh piss off Matthew, your completely hammered again!❞

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