DANGEROUS LIAISIONS, grace parkinson

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TITLE: Dangerous Liaisions

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TITLE: Dangerous Liaisions

LOVE INTEREST: Grace Parkinson

OC: Ella Prewett*

FACECLAIM: Margaret Qualley*

YEAR: seven

HOUSE: Hufflepuff*

STATUS: open


In which Grace Parkinson decides to take the new student under her wing ...


... in which Ella Prewett trades blouses and books for fishnets and cigarettes under the guidance of Hogwarts' resident rebel, Grace Parkinson


       ➼... ARRIVING AT a new school is daunting for anyone, yet arriving in the final year of school at Hogwarts? Ella Prewett was scared shitless. It was three times the size of Ilvermorny- the school that she'd spent the entirety of her past Wizarding education at. There was no way she would be able to find her way around let alone make any friends with her thick American accent. 

       Or at least that was what she thought until she met Grace Parkinson, one rainy morning in a foggy divination classroom. To Ella, Grace had some dark divine pull, a thrumming energy that encased her. With sharp angled bone structure and piercing green eyes amplified by fifty layers of black eyeliner, she was a creature of myth. 

       And to Grace, Ella was a blank sheet of parchment, unmarred and unused. She was perfection, and some masochistic part of Grace wanted to destroy that perfection, that innocence. Grace Parkinson didn't feel, she was numb. Oh and she was also bored. 

       To one and all, Grace Parkinson was a story that people told their kids at night to scare them into behaving. ''Oh you don't want to end up like that Parkinson girl!'' They would cry. 

       Well, all the stories were true and even then that didn't stop people falling head over heels for her. Grace held a masculinity within her beauty that was accompanied by an odd sort of elegance. 

       Ella couldn't quite help thinking that she resembled a nineteen twenty's magazine model, with her straight nose, thick lashes and beauty mark just above her lip. Ironically, Grace envied Ella with her plain features and big, too-wide, blue eyes. 

        Grace Parkinson was the definition of trouble. She wasn't there for a long time, just a good one. Grace thrived on adrenaline, on the experiences other people could give her, and corruption just so happened to be her favourite. 

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