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TITLE*: Letters to Regulus Black or  Not Waving but Drowning

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TITLE*: Letters to Regulus Black or Not Waving but Drowning

LOVE INTEREST: Regulus Black

OC: Augustine ( August ) Sinclair*

FACE CLAIM: Brunette Lily James*

YEAR: post war


In which Augustine Sinclair writes letters to a dead Regulus Black ...


in which August reminisces her first love and the tragedies and triumphs that came with it ...


       ➼... AUGUSTINE SINCLAIR was a coward. She'd be the very first to admit it too, having fled the Order of the Phoenix when the war took a turn for the worst and hiding out in Venice until the aftermath had blown over.

       Even now the decision haunted her every waking moment as she heard the screams of her childhood friends whilst walking the White Cliffs of Dover, heard Alice and Frank Longbottom's pleas for mercy as they were tortured by the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange, heard the protest of a terrified Lily Potter as she shielded her son with her dying breath. Augustine heard it all.

       It was an incessant torture, only made worse by the fact she could do nothing to prevent it. These demons were inside her and there was no way to expel them. Her biggest regret though? Her first love Regulus Black. Night terrors of that fateful evening in the cave ripped through her unconscious as she slept- reminders of how he'd called out for her, thrashing in the water as Inferni dragged him under.

       Augustine had done nothing to help him. She had been paralyzed, frozen like a statue. She'd watched his fingernails tear as he scrabbled against the cave's bank, watched him being submerged under the cave's murky depths, counted the bubbled that floated up once he'd been dragged fully under. Even then she'd still been trapped motionless.

       That was Augustine's biggest regret. She had killed the one she loved the most.

       Now coming up to thirty*, Augustine can take it no more and one foggy evening drags herself out to the cliffs beside her seaside home. They loom tall and imposing, so alike the ones she and Regulus had visited all those years ago. She intended to throw herself off it, to abandon her demons and be light once more, no longer haunted by the tragedies of the First Wizarding War and how she could've prevented them.

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