LOVERS CURSE, james potter

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TITLE: Lovers Curse or Matchmaker*

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TITLE: Lovers Curse or Matchmaker*

LOVE INTEREST: James Potter*

OC: Arabella Capulet*

FACE CLAIM: Eiza Gonzales*

YEAR: seventh*

HOUSE: Gryffindor*


In which Arabella Capulet has under a year to receive true love's kiss or she'll turn to stone


in which a James Potter is turned into the unwilling matchmaker for the girl he's loved his entire life


    ➼ ...𝘼𝙍𝘼𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙇𝘼 Capulet was beautiful. Even her worst enemy Pansy Parkinson would have to admit it for fear of being called blind. With long glossy chestnut hair, seducing dark eyes and cherry red lips who could deny her beauty.

       There was however a secret to her ability to render men blithering fools. She was but of course, a veela. It wasn't exactly like Arabella was hiding it- no, she just didn't shout it from the rooftops like an idiot. There were of course people who suspected, yet it was hardly a crime.

       However, over the summer of sixth year, tragedy befell Arabella, when her parents sat her down and explained the Capulet curse. Just for a little bit of context- the Capulet women were all Veela's. They each had perfect bone structure, glossy hair, startlingly dark eyes, yet what Arabella didn't know, was that with each new generation, there was a curse carried along too. 

       In summary, Arabella only had till the end of the year to find her soulmate and receive true loves kiss. If she didn't, The Harrowing would fall upon her- a dark and terrible curse placed upon the Capulet's centuries ago. It had been cast so long ago that not even Arabella's own parents knew why it was there in the first place.

        Alas, how was a sixteen year old girl meant to find her soulmate when she had a best friend like James Potter. James scared away any boy that came Arabella's way with the fierceness of a ridiculous overly protective older brother. Arabella hated it yet endured his shenanigans because she loved James dearly. 

       The two had grown up together after all. It would've been hard not to due to the them living directly next door to each other. Arabella had gone through the most god awful crush on James during second year and still, to this day, Sirius teased her mercilessly for it. 

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