SMOOTH CRIMINAL, regulus black

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TITLE: Smooth criminal

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TITLE: Smooth criminal

LOVE INTEREST: Regulus Black

OC: Evelyn Ivygold* I couldn't think of a good one lmao

FACE CLAIM: Anya Taylor Joy

YEAR: during the war

HOUSE: Slytherin


In which Evelyn Ivygold, an outside spy for the order of the phoenix, is sent in to take down Regulus Black


in which Regulus Black doesn't realise he's been double crossed until it's too late


       ➼... 𝙄𝙁THERE was one thing Evelyn Ivygold excelled at- it was being a spy. And a damn good one too.

       Years of being trained in elegance and grace whilst attending Beuxbatons academy for magic as well as being taught how to harness her Veela gifts in the most effective way had prepped her for the mission of a lifetime. Infiltrate the Death Eater ranks. Win the war for the Wizarding World. Easy right? Well it would've been if she hadn't gone and fallen head over heels for one of them...


       ➼... OKAY SO, this takes place the year after seventh- during the war. It's very clear that the Order of the Phoenix is loosing as Voldermort's follows swell in numbers. As a last resort, Evelyn is deployed as a spy for the order. As well as being part of the Order, Evelyn's in with the Ministry. Her aunts in the higher ups, thus in the eyes of the Order, Evelyn is a very important person. 

       She didn't attend Hogwarts and instead spent her school years at Beuxbaton's where she thrived as she's part Veela. This particular fact comes in later on, when Evelyn uses her Veela characteristics to charm Regulus. This is also why she is sent in as a spy for the Order. Dumbledore thinks she will have a better shot at getting inside the Death eaters ranks.

       At first, Regulus is suspicious when Evelyn tries to get close to him, but she wins him over with quick banter and wit- two things he seeks for in people. It's the classic he fell first, she fell harder trope. I know I know.

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