POINT PROVEN, james potter

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TITLE: Point proven*

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TITLE: Point proven*


OC: Ruby Winchester

FACE CLAIM: Kathryn newton*

YEAR: sixth*

HOUSE: Slytherin


In which the great great great (and probably a few more greats) granddaughter of the inventor of the snitch decides to put James 'Bragging' Potter in his place 


in which James Potter stupidly challenged Ruby Winchester to a game of Quidditch


      ➼ ...𝘽𝙀𝙄𝙉𝙂 the great great great (and probably a few more greats) granddaughter of the inventor of the snitch- Elias Winchester, Ruby's entire life has been dictated by Quidditch. From getting her first broom at the ripe age of three (which currently sits somewhere in the bottom of her closet unused) to never hearing the end about it, Ruby's had it all. 

       She was a legacy of Elias Snitch- nee Winchester- and that unsurprisingly came with a few expectations. From the day she was born people talked about Ruby Winchester, the child Quidditch prodigy (Never mind she'd made a point to avoid the sport at all costs).

        To the disappointment of the Wizarding World and the population of Hogwarts, Ruby had never taken up the past time. The sheer predictability of the sport combined with the fact that her entire life revolved around Quidditch anyway, meant Ruby never felt the urgent need to explore it. In fact, it was for those reasons exactly, that she rather disliked Quidditch. 

        However, when James Potter (who keep in mind, Ruby's never had an issue with before) opens his big gob to brag about how he'd be able to beat her hands down despite her heritage, Ruby- stubborn as ever, feels the infernal need to prove him wrong, and one note to Evan Rosier later and a call to her ecstatic parents about a broom, sends James Potter into a panic. 

        He didn't think she'd actually do it! 

        Plus it doesn't hurt that all direct descendants of Elias Snitch supposedly have a gift for handling the golden snitch. And anyway, the Wizarding Worlds only been waiting BLOODY AGES to see if that theories true.


     ➼ ...𝙍𝙐𝘽𝙔 goes to a back to school party hosted by the Gryffindors on a dare with the Slytherin's (they'd never enter the Gryffindor common room out of their own volition, of course) and upon arrival James instantly spots her and starts bragging about Quidditch. ''James Potters the best this, James Potters the best that''

       Anyway it really rubs Ruby the wrong way as she's a really proud person and despite everything she's always said about the sport, Ruby feels oddly protective of it due to it being her birth right. Not to mention the girls insane need to win at any cost- it runs in the blood right?

       Thus, the very next morning at the arse crack of dawn, Ruby's up and on the Quidditch fields with Evan Rosier, brushing up on the Quidditch rules for the upcoming first match of the season. She has no idea James Potters completely shitting himself as he watches the pitch from the Gryffindor common room window. 

       Not to mention, Ruby was very nearly a Gryffindor, and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty...


𝐢. Ruby's birthday is the twenty second of November, she's a Sagittarius

𝐢𝐢.Her parents are over the moon when they hear that Ruby's finally playing Quidditch at last, yet she keeps reminding them it's only one match

𝐢𝐢𝐢. Evan Rosier as the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team has been begging Ruby for YEARS to join the team 

𝐢𝐯. James and Ruby's relationship is friends to rivals to lovers

 𝐯. A song that reminds me of James and Ruby's relationship is 'I knew you were trouble' by Taylor Swift

𝐯𝐢. Despite being a Slytherin Ruby doesn't share their beliefs about Pureblood supremacy. She doesn't care about peoples lineage/ blood line and heritage due knowing how it feels. 

𝐯𝐢𝐢. Ruby's extremely stubborn and competitive. She never backs down and that's her biggest flaw, this is the main reason why her and James butt heads so much 

PASSWORD: your favourite thing on Netflix atm

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❝ Pads! Call an emergency practice, now! Ruby Winchester's joining the Slytherin Quidditch team as seeker.❞

❝Someone just needed to tell James Potter to shove it up his fat arse❞

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❝Someone just needed to tell James Potter to shove it up his fat arse❞

❝Someone just needed to tell James Potter to shove it up his fat arse❞

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