Wedding bells

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July 20th, 11:30,
Hawaii island
(the big one).

"I appreciate the feeling, Ochako. But we'll be happier if you fulfil your dream of being a hero. And that day, you might be able to take us to Hawaii..."


That was the memory that visited Uraraka's mind when she slightly turned to see their parents on their respective chairs. Like more than one that day, on that paradise beach, they were happier than ever.

After all, they were attending to their daughter's wedding in Hawaii.

Their precious grown up daughter was wearing a long but light and sleeveless white dress, appropriate for the Caribbean summer. Ochako also wore a necklace and a crown made of white flowers, matching all her outfit and bouquet.

Uraraka thought that if there was no perfect man in the world, Deku came closer than anyone. That would do for a nice conclusion to her vows, which almost ruined Deku's hard self training for not bursting into tears at that moment.

When Deku came to tell her the idea he had come up with in the middle of their most dangerous mission to date, it sounded too good to be possible. So he was initially distracted from planning their wedding by work... and now he was distracted from work by his own wedding plan.

"You see... the authorities, hotel owners and inhabitants are grateful and insist on repaying us in some way. We have been talking... I talked with Iida and Yaoyorozu... they called everyone else... oh, and I called my mother... and your parents..."

Just three days later, their families, friends and closest people were reunited in lines of white chairs under the Sun of Hawaii as the world's favorite hero couple recited their vows gave each other the "I do" words.

Their best man and maid of honour had made sure to reunite all the guests from Japan, while their hosts improvised a nice altar completed with flowers (many guests and their minister himself were wearing their own necklace), treepalms and other classical Hawaii decorations.

Since they planned everything in a few days, Momo had taken care of creating two new outfits for the protagonists of that day. The credit, she said, would go to a young designer who happened to be there and gently offered to help.

Now the bride had just made their way to the groom's side in a new amazing dress, more suitable for the weather in that island. Deku had awaited for her in a matching white suit, this time keeping his messy green hair due to Uraraka's petition. If something isn't broken, why fix it?

"Well then!" Mayor Nezu joyfully declared from his high pedestal. "Deku and Uravity: by the power invested in me, as the Mayor of Tokyo, I now pronounce you... MAN AND WIFE! You may kiss the bride...!"

Before the line was completed, Uraraka had already jumped ahead, kissing Deku so hard he almost lost his balance.

"...or you may let the bride kiss you, either is good!" Nezu shrugged.

The public's reaction was immediate and the clapping was monumental. However, neither could tell if they actually heard it until the moment they separated and looked at each other, recognizing themselves as official life partners.

Of course, such moment wouldn't leave indifferent those people who had long anticipated it.

"Well, these two are finally married. The Earth can keep turning now " Bakugou had joined the clapping in moderation and a not too enthusiastic way.

A moment ago, when Nezu asked if someone had something to say before the two were united, he got up and textually told Deku he didn't think Ochako was making a mistake by marrying him. When it came to Bakugou, that was enough to get a big "daww" from the public and make him regret he even spoke in the first place.

Wedding BellsWhere stories live. Discover now