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July 8th, 12:45.
UA's rooftop.

"Uncle All Might!" Melissa went to him in a hurry. Her blue eyes were shinning with worry. "Have you seen Dad?"

"Oh my..." All Might then remembered. "David just went to..."

"I'M BACK!" David Shield's voice was heard as he returned from the toilet, allowing both his daughter and his friend let all the air out. Melissa had to hug her father, relieved he didn't find a Nomu when he was alone. "Wow, easy dear, I'm OK. What did I miss?" he asked.

"This is the Mayor. I call from the rooftop of the UA's High School" Nezu firmly talked to the officer on the phone. He lowered from the pedestal and left the altar where the engaged were doing their best to believe what was becoming of their wedding. "The UA is under the attack of experimental creatures known as Nomus. The heroes will contain them, but there are civilians and we'll need back up from the outside to put them safe..."

"To put it simple, the League of Villains is attacking us" All Might answered. His fists clenched in anger. It had been a long time since he faced any villain in a physical fight and the idea of not being able to help his children was killing. He wished he could transform into his muscular form for at least five minutes.

"This can't be happening" Uraraka thought as all her emotions silenced the words and sounds around Deku and her for a moment. "Please someone tell me this is Bakugou's wedding gift, a hidden camera, or..."


Uraraka had no time to keep thinking, because another monstrously muscular Nomu got out from a recently opened portal, just where Nezu had been standing seconds ago. Fortunately, those two's coordination was near perfection with hardly any need to share a word. One For All's speed and strenght allowed Deku to catch the Nomu's fist and stop it before impact. The floor under their feet broke due to the beast's brutality, but he didn't lose his balance, enabling Uraraka to lay her hand on the Nomu. Once the creature's weight was gone and it had reached some height in the air, Deku jumped to grab the Nomu by its waist and turned it various times in the air before Uraraka released and he slammed the Nomu with all its heavy muscular mass against the ground, going through the rooftop and three floors below.

"Wow... I thought that wouldn't happen until the wedding night..." Sero joked, which caused him to receive an earphone stab from Jirou (a.n: before someone says that is a TOO adult joke, I'll have you know I took it from the Genie in Disney's Aladdin and the King of Thieves).

Uraraka was about to go down to help him, but more enemies were approaching from the air and getting out from portals. She would need mobility and there was no time to lose, so she quickly took off her veil, released her tied up brown hair and tore up the bottom of the dress (that last thing made Aoyama bite his fist to silence a cry at the sight of the ruined dress). By the time Deku climbed back to the rooftop, covered in dust after knocking the Nomu out, the place was already a battlefield where the heroes used their Quirks to fight the intruding creatures.

Uraraka hurried up to check her parents and Deku's mother behind the wall of ice Todoroki had created to keep them and everyone unable to fight safe. Nezu, Nejire and the Pussycats were there giving them instructions not to leave the place until help arrived.

"That includes you, All Might" Nezu stated in a serious tone.

"I'm a UA teacher! I can't stay here watching!" All Might replied. Even if he wasn't an active hero and didn't have a power he could use anymore the once Symbol of Peace wouldn't give in without a protest.

"Don't be ridiculous, Toshinori! You haven't been in a fight for ages!" Inko Midoriya disagreed.

"She's right. As the teachers we are we'll stay and take care of the civilians" Recovery Girl nodded and pulled All Might's wrist, like a grandmother would do with a rebellious child.

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