Call of the blood

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Six years ago...
Midoriyas' house.

Christmas holidays had started that day and Deku was returning home after his last session of training at Dagobah. However, first he had taken some time at the shopping mall of Kashyyyk, since he would soon need a birthday present for one of his classmates.

It had been months of hard studying and training for everyone. However, as usual Uraraka also had to deal with her excesive saving habits and help her parents, and they hadn't had much free time together out of the school lately. It was good those days Mr and Mrs Uraraka would come to see her.

They had been best friends since day one, but he always felt like he never thanked her enough for the care and support she was always willing to give him. That was why he had decided to find her something nice for her birthday.

At that moment he was texting to his mother as he crossed the street full of snow.

Izuku: Hi Mom! Training with All Might is over for today. I'm on my way home. See you there!"

Mom: Izuku! I was about to call you! A friend of yours just came to see you! She's really cute and keeps blushing when we mention you🤗🤗🤗!! OH MY GOD IS THERE SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME???

Deku was only a few feet away from the house, but when he read his mother's message he froze just where he was and read it three more times while his red steaming face and trembling limbs didn't make him lose balance.

Could it be he had forgotten something at UA and she had come home just to bring it back to him? Well, it didn't matter: the nicest girl he knew was waiting at the other side of his door and there he was with a blush that could melt all the snow around.

Deku sook his head and caught a deep breath before approaching to the door. He said to himself to take it easy. After all, he was sure his mother would be glad to meet his best friend in UA. There was no need to get all flustered, right?

"Mom! I arrived!" he happily announced as he crossed the door.

"Oh there he is!" he heard his mother's expectedly excited voice. " Welcome home, Izuku! We are in the living room!"

Deku blushed one more time and checked his pocket as he passed the corridor. What gave, since Uraraka was there she would receive her gift sooner than expected .

"Hi!" he cheerfully entered the living room, where Inko was smiling from the couch, and looked for his friend. "I wasn't expecting you! But I'm happy you are here...!"

He stopped when he felt a breath on the back of his neck. Their guest was just behind him...

"I know you weren't" the feeling of warmth on his body turned into cold sweat in a matter of seconds when he recognized that sinisterly cheerful female voice. "But I'm also happy to be here... Izuku."

Deku immediately turned and backed down a generous number of steps as his trained mind got ready to fight back. She was wearing an outfit consisting of a dark red wool sweater, a black and red plaid skirt, and long winter shocks that ended in a pair of dark brown boots for the snow; in fact, the matching red glasses and her now loose blonde hair, which missed her signature two buns, would make any person who hadn't seen Toga's vicious amber eyes and fanged smile before mistake her with a totally normal girl of her age.

"Surprise!" Toga said making a theatrical pose.

"Y... YOU!?!" Deku placed himself in front of his mother in a protective pose and tried to understand what was going on. "What...?!"

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