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Two weeks ago...
Deku and Uraraka's apartment.

The apartment was simple and not exactly what one would picture as the residence of two notorious Pro Heroes, but neither Deku or Uraraka were ever fans of luxury. In fact, despite their salaries, and specially now they were engaged celebrities, both agreed that something cheap and inconspicuous would be the best to keep unwanted visits away. That very same night they had to team up and combine Quirks to leave reporters and photographers behind, which surprisingly gave them a harder time than stopping the robbery at the museum, and make it home without being followed or noticed.

"I'm okay, Dad" Uraraka said through the phone, checking her face on the bathroom's mirror, relieved their last mission didn't leave her any marks before the each time closer big day. Her parents had seen them on TV that night, after they stopped a heist and were cheered by the legion of fans of both the heroes and the couple. "You know I am always careful. And Deku and I always have each others' back."

Hero daughter's support aside, the Uraraka's had been luckier on their business in recent years, in part because the damages those strong villains that must be fought by then would often make some construction experts were required. Kaminari and Sero used to bug on the fact that it was a surprise her family wasn't already millionaire, but after all the hard times her parents had gone through, she couldn't be glad enough for her success as a Pro, as well as Deku and her friends' care and support.

"Yes, I promise I'll send you a picture of me on the dress. Believe me, we can totally trust Aoyama for this" the following day Uraraka and her former female classmates would meet the Shinning Hero. He had volunteered to pick the best outfits for the bride, maid of honor and bridesmaids, and in that once in a lifetime occasion he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Oh, Daddy, leave Deku alone. He's been through a lot of work recently, but he's totally into the wedding. I know very well the man I am about to marry."

It was true she wished Deku didn't have to deal with so much, but he wouldn't put the glory before his loved ones and that was a fact. Testing himself to the limit, selflessly protecting and inspiring people was where the actions that described Deku to perfection, and she wouldn't ask him to change what she loved the most about him.

"Our honeymoon? Oh we haven't decided it yet. It's not easy to choose where to go on vacation when you can be needed at any moment" Deku and her always had pretty simple taste, and even now they had money for it, planning something like travelling abroad was still kind of new for them.

The next question was made by her happily curious mother and it made her blush so bad she almost dropped the phone into the toilet. "W...What!? No!" she cried when she embarrasingly managed to grab the phone before it fell. "We haven't talked at all about that yet!" well, maybe the words *not at all* weren't exactly true, though. "I mean, don't you two feel a bit too young to be...?!"

Mrs Uraraka just laughed and told her daughter to take it easy. Their girl was about to marry an amazing guy that would care for her with his life and they couldn't be happier for her. The step they were about to take was already important enough and there would be time for other plans.

The phone call ended a couple of minutes later, and Uraraka sighed before going back to brush her teeth. Once she was done, she got out of the bathroom.

"Deku?" Uraraka just arrived and entered their room, where she found him laying on the bed. His eyes were almost closed and wasn't even listening because he was half asleep after their long day of work and other stuff to do. At the sight of this, Uraraka held her laugh. As much as she adored watching Deku sleep, she knew there was no way she was going to miss the chance, so she put her fingers together and silently began to float until she was about two feet over her sluggish boy.

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