Blood bond

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July 8th, 12:30.
UA's rooftop.

"Eri... the girl whose Quirk enabled her to heal bodies and restore Quirks... as well as to make them rewind to the point of disappearing. When she was finally able to restore Lemillion's there was no hero who missed the news and didn't clap. Naturally, it was never been public to protect the girl, but in a society so full of heroes it wouldn't be hard for the information to be filtrated and reach any interested ears.

Years ago, Overhaul and Shigaraki worked together when the first was using Eri to create a weapon that would put an end to the heroes' society. Shigaraki had nothing to do with the experiments on her, but he totally shared Overhaul's thought about a society that was ill because of the heroes. If he ended up knowing about the final effects of the bullets developped to destroy Quirks there is no way he wouldn't be interested.

Then I hear about an American mob that makes money of making criminals and desperate people to fight between them. Imagine any of them is so desperate for money and has a weak Quirk or no Quirk at all... and it doesn't represent a problem because the mob has deals with villains able to create artificial Quirks like they did with the Nomus... and destroy them anytime they wanted.

If it was so, maybe after the fall of the Yakuza, the League would have gone to meet *The Man* to make him this offer and deliver something that proved they were serious.

However, even for Toga, she didn't look surprised or upset when she was arrested in Mexico. And she didn't even know about the content of the briefcase. What if Shigaraki was expecting exactly what happened?"

Those were the notes Deku had taken that morning and now, as Nezu kept talking, they were echoing inside his head. He had told to himself he wouldn't think about it anymore that day, but now he was so sure to have discovered what would be found inside the briefcase, it would be easier said than done. If it was something so important to the League, what were they waiting for to retake it?

"Deku? Is everything all right?" Uraraka's concerned voice interrupted his thoughts and made him come back to Earth. At that moment they were both looking at Nezu, who was too focus on his own speech about marriage.

"Huh...? O-Oh yes, of course!" Deku nervously stuttered, with his heart racing. "Snap out of it, Izuku Midoriya, or you will miss your own wedding".

"Relax, Midoriya; soon we'll reach the part you are waiting for!" Nezu kindly said in low voice, before continuing. Ah, those young engaged ones... they always got so nervous as they got close to the "I do" part... "Now! The rings, please!"

Deku was smiling again when he saw a happy grown up Eri bringing the alliance rings to them... until his mind created a momentary different version. He visualized the unhappy and terrified little Eri he once met, with all the bandages and the sad dress she wore when the Yakuza held her prisoner, only carrying something very different: an open box that showed six red bullets whose effects he had seen before.

A ring tone not far from there put an end to his distraction again. Mrs Midoriya and the other guests next to All Might looked in the UA's teacher's direction. "Sorry!" All Might smiled in embarrassment and picked it up. "Naomasa! I can't talk right now!" he quietly told his detective friend. He was about to hang, but detective Tsukauchi's last sentence was enough to make All Might eyes open like plates and say: "What!?"

At the same time, Todoroki received a text message from his father saying that duty was calling. Endeavor's agency had reported a prison escape and heroes would be required to catch the fugitives. That would be a good surprise training for him, he read. The high flaming hero was already on his feet and looking at him with his forever stern expression from the distance. He waved his head towards the exit, demanding his son to come with him, but Todoroki didn't forget to whom this day belonged, the people he was sharing it with or the person he had come with, so he frowned and shook his head. There were other heroes in service. "And no offense, Dad, but unlike you, I am actually going to be missed here..." Todoroki thought in anger. Since he became Hero Number One after All Might's retirement Endeavor had reduced his contact with the rest of the family, aware of the harm he made to all of them in the past. Their relationship was not as tense as it used to be, and he would often talk with his mother and siblings and show them some care, so Todoroki had accepted to work in his agency again, but he had never truly forgiven his father. He owed Deku that was the first time in years they could all meet in the same place and forget they were a broken family for one day, but the old man was setting hero work above them once again. He wasn't even surprised... but when he took a look at his phone and checked there was indeed criminal movement very close to the UA, Todoroki resolved to stay on guard.

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