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July 2nd, 13:30.
UA, All Might's office.

Once Shinsō was done with getting as many answers as possible from Toga, Deku went to meet All Might at his office of U.A. There were details about his investigation to be discussed and questions still to be answered, so they would have lunch together there, like they usually did back at school.

"Then we don't even know what is inside the briefcase this girl was about to deliver?" asked a confused All Might.

"No. The briefcase is locked and is attached to a mechanism which will blow it to pieces, content included, in case anyone attempts to force it. The only safe way of opening it would be introducing a code" Deku explained. "Thank God Jirou detected it on time..."

"And thanks to Shinso's *persuassive* persona, we know for sure Toga wasn't told about the content or this code..." All Might understood.

"Yeah. All she confessed was that the League of Villains had a new project which involved the illegal matches managed by this Mexican mob. She was there to make the delivery, but whatever the deal consisted of, it was sealed by Shigaraki himself previously".

"He has become more cautious through the years" All Might couldn't blame him. The teacher took pride on the UA's new generation of heroes, especially on his successor. But he wouldn't lose hope on his deceased mentor's grandson... "I heard about these mobs when I was a student in America. Really bad eggs. They make both criminals and desperate people to fight until they don't breathe. And it is said that the brutality in those matches is beyond imagination. I'm so glad these five were able to stop this one and return unharmed...".

"I made my own research" Deku placed a folder on the table. It was full of articles cut from newspapers, photos, prints from the Internet and notes of his own. All Might was puzzled. No wonder why the boy looked so tired. "I haven't made a lot of progress though..." he added. All Might looked at his pupil with concern.

"Is everything ok?" the young Midoriya didn't look as full of energy as he usually did.

"Sure, it's just..." Deku didn't know how to end the sentence. However, there was no need, because then the office's door was knocked.

"Toshinori? Are you in there? Is Izuku with you?" asked a female voice that almost made Deku fall from where he was sitting.

"Y-yes we are here! Come in!" stuttered All Might, who wasn't expecting her either.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Deku asked, genuinely surprised, when she entered.

"Excuse me? More like what are YOU doing here!" Inko Midoriya reprimanded her son. "Do I have to remind you that you are getting married next week?"

"But Mom! This is about work!" Deku replied.

"No buts, young man!" his mother said in a stern tone. "No more work as a hero at least until you come back from honeymoon!" she stated taking the folder from the table.

"All Might, I'm gonna need some help right here..." Deku begged.

"Inko, please, we were just..."

"And you!" the caring but energetic woman addressed the skinny blonde teacher, making him jump on his seat. "I knew you wouldn't be far, encouraging him! You know how much he still admires you. You should be telling him to catch a break and focus on organizing his own wedding!"

All Might was instantly disarmed. For all those years he had given his best to guide the future new Symbol of Peace, a title the young Midoriya, much to his pride, would be only inches away from earning. But his boy was a human too, and he was about to step into something that would change his life in the same measure. And that was only one week away from happening.

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