In war and love, anything is fair

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July 11th, 17:15.
Tokyo streets.

The building was already fatally damaged from its base, and the people outside could only hold their breath while the heroes made sure the distance was safe enough. Nobody was calmed. They knew there were still some people inside the edification and the ones who had entered to save them hadn't returned yet.

"Everyone! Stay back and don't be afraid!" Nejire raised her voice to be heard by all the concerned locals she and her comrades had managed to rescue and carry to a safe place. "More heroes are after the ones missing. They will be here soon."

"I hope so..." many heroes were that day under her command and Creati's, and Nejire couldn't allow herself a second of visible doubt, but minutes felt like hours in those cases.

Then, like every person there was expecting in absolute thrill, the floors started to crack down and debris of all sizes fell from different heights. Luckily, Nejire's waves would be enough to repeal those that could easily crash or hurt the civilians who were still too close, and the Quirks of Kamui Woods, Ectoplasm, Sato, Tetsutetsu and Fat Gum, who were laid by the pillars of the structure, would be enough to prevent the building from falling entirely. At that very moment, an athletic green figure gracefully jumped through one of the windows of the fourth floor just in time before its ceiling crashed her, the old marriage wrapped under her long tongue and the small child she held under her arms. That hero hadn't had time to think what she could do next to make sure they all landed unharmed after jumping from a fourth floor, but in a few seconds she was able to glimpse a big bouncy castle that she didn't need to ask where it had come from; this way, she left the three civilians fall into it, where they landed without a scratch. As for Tsuyu...


Itsuka Kendo, another leader of a hero group operating in the city, had jumped ahead and used her temporarily giant hands to catch Tsuyu in the air like a professional baseball player. Tsuyu had finally returned from the fourth floor with the trapped old people and their grandchild, and now she was safe and could breath with ease.

"Thank you, Kendo. That was a perfect catch" she said, getting back into the ground on her feet and cleaning the dust from her costume. "Are they all right?" she asked as she looked in the bouncy castle's direction, where the people she had just saved were being attended.

"They are, thanks to you" Itsuka answered. "But we are still waiting for..."

The pieces of wall and bricks kept falling until most of the front part was gone and the inside of the wasted homes were visible from there. To their relief, other hero, who looked like some sort of chimera because of the wings on his back he used to glide all the way to the group of evicted people escorted by other Pro Heroes, the big bird legs in each which carried a parent and the tentacles at the end of this arms he used to keep safe two teen siblings and a dog, came to meet them.

"Nice work, Suneater!" Nejire praised her team partner, now things everything was getting fine. "Oh, wait... has anyone seen Tentacole?"

"Here he is, Nejire Chan!" they all turned when they heard Sato's voice. He and Tetsutetsu were helping the hero whose face was always covered to walk. Shoji looked exhausted, mauled and dusty, and was slightly coughing. The rest of the heroes came behind them.

"He'll need some break, but today he totally earned it" Tetsutetsu smiled showing his sharp teeth, like he always did at the sight of a manly act. "The weight of an entire floor fell over them and he used all the extra limbs he could multiply to keep a family of three children protected. This is one tough guy."

"I took them to the medical post, just in case" Fat Gum announced in pride. "No innocent civilian died here today."

Those were excellent news, but they weren't the only residents heroes had had to help that day. The recent fight between Mt Lady and Gigantomachia had devastated the streets of that area, leaving uncountable damages in property and hundreds of people injured, evicted, or even killed. Gigantomachia had vanished once again after the good fight the titanic female hero had put up against him, but it would take a while for her to recover from her last injuries. The next time the villain known as the once right hand of All For One was shown to cause more destruction, they wouldn't have Mt Lady for a second round.

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