The morning after

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July 8th, 11:05.
The hotel.

Tenya Iida's brain and body had been consistently trained for many things in order to replace his brother as the hero Ingenium, but not at all for the pain they endured when he woke up and started to slowly incorporate himself. Each and every inch of his limbs howled in protest and he felt his head like a hundred dwarves were chopping the inside of it with their peaks. He blinked several times, but his vision remained blurred, and June's brightest Sun wasn't helping either. Apparently he was lying on a water bed. Was he even in the suite?

"Midoriya...? Todoroki...?" he difficultly asked. "Has anyone seen my glasses...?" 

He hardly had time to end the sentence before slipping from the floating air mattress he had actually been steeping on and unceremoniously falling into the hotel's swimming pool, where all seemed to indicate he had spent the rest of the night. Iida quickly emerged for air and looked everywhere in shock, becoming aware of his over the top awakening. The killer pain had been replaced by cold and a feeling of full stupidity.

"Young man!" an old lady with sunglasses and an old fashioned swimsuit called from one of the loungers. "You shouldn't sleep in the pool! It's dangerous, you know?"

"Thank you, madam... I think I'll follow your advice..." Iida vaguely answered as he swam to get away from there as soon as posible. He picked a towel and made his way to the elevator. The most embarrassing part was that he was wearing his normal clothes instead of a swimsuit.

Good thing he wasn't Kaminari. The scare of falling into the water asleep would have likely made the guy accidentally activate his Electricity Quirk, fry the rest of the people swimming and now they would have to face charges beside the hangover.

But if Tenya Iida, the disciplined and always sticked to the rules boy of the group had ended up there when the night was over, he could only hope his friends had a more dignified way of waking up. Gosh, from then on, he could only play better his role as Midoriya's best man...

June 8th, 11:20.
The suite.

After the party they had the night before, Iida wasn't surprised to find the door of the suite he shared with Midoriya, Bakugou and Kaminari locked and the letter of "DO NOT DISTURB" hanging on the latch. What it did surprise him was to find Kaminari snoring with his back against the wall. He had his shirt unbuttoned, a piece of paper sticked to it, a tie around his head and an empty bottle still in his hand. Yeah, this time, with no overuse of his Quirk, he looked like an idiot.

"Kaminari? Are you ok?" he checked the blonde. "Do you have the card?".

"Five more minutes, Mama..." Kaminari complained still in dreams. 

"Hello? Is anyone awake?" he knocked. "Somebody open the door, please!"

"Morning, Iida. Is something wrong? Why are you so soaked?" Todoroki and Tokoyami had just got out of their own room. The two were sleepy but at least they looked all right.

"Oh hi, guys. I fell into the pool (don't ask) and now I can't use my card to enter" Iida explained in embarrassment. "And it's clear he doesn't have his" he added pointing to a weirdly smiley Kaminari.

"Did Kaminari sleep on the outside? Why wouldn't Midoriya or Bakugou let him in?" Todoroki was confused too. And thinking while suffering from hangover was definitely not pleasant.

"I'm... finally... back...." a breathless high pitched voice was heard. When the three friends turned to look in that direction, their eyes were wide opened and wondered if they were seeing things.

"Mineta?" Iida asked. Suddenly, his awakening in the pool didn't look so ridiculous. The little guy looked haggard and exhausted, and was breathing as heavily as if he had just run a marathon. But what really shocked them was that he was covering the lower half of his naked body with a pink girl's sweater.

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