#2. Free!) Coming Back Different

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Summary: One year ago; Haruka disappeared off the radar, no one heard from Haruka until he reappeared at a reunion.
But Haruka now wasn't a he anymore... he, now, is a she!

Fandom: Free!
Ship: None
Genre: Transgender supportive, AU
Warnings: This story contains bad parenting, talking about depressed/anxious feelings, LGBTQ characters and acceptance as well as unacceptence. If you don't like and/or badly affected by these things, please don't read this!



Hey there!

Let me start off by saying I don't usually write this kind of story, I normally do full on medical stories or MakoHaru romance, but I wanted to try out something else. So, here it is, short and sweet and loosely inspired by two of my favorite books "Birthday" and "My Brother's name is Jessica" which really showed me how important acceptance towards LGBTQ people is. They also helped me understand what goes on in the brain of someone transgender, since "Birthday"'s author Meredith Musso is transgender herself.

I hope I portrayed it right in this story, and if I didn't I hope I don't offend anyone... because I don't know how it feels or is, just so you know.

Also, I'm Dutch and Dyslectic, so already sorry for any mistakes that will be made...
I tried my best and I hope you'll enjoy reading my little piece of writing :)


Haruka's on the train back to Iwatobi. Haruka hadn't been in his hometown for over a year, when she decided to take her faith in her own hands.

Haruka's first year in college had only started two weeks ago, and something felt more off than it ever did; her body was too muscular from all the training and every time Haruka walked past a mirror or looked down at her topless chest she felt like she was someone that stood on the deck of the ship when the Titanic scraped past that iceberg and she was pierced with the remaining shards. Blood splattering everywhere when someone addressed her with "him" or called her "Haru" instead of "Haruka".

In college it seemed worse than ever before, even though Haruka had always felt trapped in her body.

She preferred not going to the bathroom at school, because she'd have to go wander into the boy's toilet and she'd have to look down at the manly parts she'd never asked for. It made her sick whenever someone told her she couldn't just walk into the girl's bathroom like her guts told her to do, or when she was told not to use the bathroom for disabled people when it was the only option for her to feel someone at ease while peeing.

Other than that, she liked to chatter, like any girl would, but did this in her mind only. Not only did she hate the roughness of her deep voice, she also tried not to run her mouth too much, in case she said something wrong and told her secret to her friends; whom might not want to be near her when knowing that their friend had never been a boy to begin with.

Haruka also always had liked her friends that called her by the feminine name her parents gave her at birth. She always used to act like she didn't like it, though, because every time it was a reminder that it was only her name that sounded girly, and that she still looked like a normal guy... acted like one too.

She always reminded herself that she needed to be muscular, a male just like she was born as. This included being called "Haru" as it sounded more manly, she couldn't wear any make-up, and had to cut her hair short and wander around without a top as much as possible.

None of his friends expected Haruka to leave so sudden, she didn't inform them about it either.

Honestly, no one had expected it, not even Haruka herself. And leaving didn't go smooth at all, as Haruka's parents protested when Haruka had the urgent talk with them.

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