#4. Banana Fish - AshEiji) Moving On, and into a new house

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Two years ago, Eiji wouldn't think he'd be standing in the middle of a new house that officially belonged to him... but he is!
And today he and Ash will be moving in for real.
The walls still need to be painted and their boxes have to be unpacked if they don't want to spend another day in an empty house, but there's also time for paint battles, pizza, games and a dance party in the middle of their new living room.

Or: Eiji and Ash goofing around while moving into their new house.

Fandom: Banana Fish
Ship: Ash/Eiji
Genre: Alternate Ending, Fix-it fic, Fluff
Warning: SPOILERS for the ending of Banana Fish!!!



Hey there!

Before deciding to write this fix-it fanfiction for the ending of Banana Fish, I asked my older sister what kind of Banana Fish fanfiction she'd like to read. She said something cute and maybe a little funny, and send me a couple of prompts to use for inspiration.
I gifted this work to my sister (ihopethelightwillshineupon) on AO3, because she gave me a big part of the inspiration for this story.

I hope you'll enjoy reading about Ash and Eiji being cute!

~ Noa


It is a freezing winter day; Eiji's bunny slippers are just not warm enough for these snowy morning hours and even a hot cup of coffee isn't enough to stop his hands from shaking. Maybe it's the cold, but it could also be nerves making him shiver like this.

His reflection in the pitch black fluid might not have changed so much in the past two years, but he has grown up so much when you look at the inside.

Never in his entire life Eiji thought this day would come, but it's finally here; he's surrounded by bare walls and an empty rooms, and there are only few things that have already been unpacked.

Two years ago, Eiji wouldn't think he'd be standing in the middle of a new house that officially belonged to him.

No, not at all; two years ago, Eiji had cried himself to sleep again, dreaming of Ash who'd gone completely radio silent after Eiji left America. Eiji dreamt about hugging him, maybe even kissing, every night and sometimes even during the day causing him to be completely unable to focus on anything else.

For months Eiji thought that Ash had died, because even Max hadn't heard of Ash anymore.

And when he received a call from Max four months after returning to Japan, he thought it was bad news, but he was soon proofed wrong; Max told Eiji that Ash had been released from the hospital and now was on way to Japan. Even though the news about Ash being hospitalized because of a stab wound in the side came as a shock, Eiji couldn't be happier to see Ash when arriving at the airport.

Finally he was able to hold Ash in his arms.

And a few weeks ago they decided to buy a house together. They aren't living in Eiji's parents' basement anymore, instead they have a house of their own, just a half an hour ride outside of Izumo.

They've slept there tonight and Eiji does have to admit to himself that he didn't have a good sleep on a thin futon in the completely new house. But he's sure that once they've made it look a little more homey today, he's going to sleep better than tonight.

His lack of sleep makes him feel a lot colder than usually and, even though he knows he has to start making breakfast for when Ash finally wakes up, he wish he could crawl underneath the warm blankets again for just a little longer. Instead of doing that, he gets out the loaf of bread he and Ash got at the bakery around the corner when they had just arrived. He also takes some meat, cheese and lettuce from a cool box before making breakfast for both him and Ash.

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