Chapter 2

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The male before me stepped back, his eyes raking over my poorly covered body. Still searching, but for what I did not know.

The shadows reached out, they came for me. I did not falter from where I stood. They slid over the floor, to my bare feet. His chin lifted ever so slightly is I stared at him.

The wisps moved to his ears, and he squinted while his eyes still stayed on me. On my body.

There was silence, something that came to be my most favored comfort. The shadows at my feet rose up, bleeding through the blanket and onto my skin.

His head tilted, a quick inhale.

The shadows left my skin, faster than I expected them to. Darkness filled the room, pulses of night. The scent of anger, annoyance and— control.

"How can this still happen, I thought word had spread enough over the centuries?" A voice said.

A male. Deep, but controlled anger. They appeared then, from a doorway. The male in question was tall, just as tall as the shadow littered male before me. Slightly broader, with longer hair. His wings were just as magnificent.

Though his crystals... no- syphons, weren't cobalt. They were crimson, a beautiful red.

"I figured it would have by now. But the old ways are still used, even despite our tries to diminish them." Another male stated. He too entered the room.

He did not wear syphons. His presence screamed pure power, but his wings from earlier had gone. How? He looked utterly stunning. His violet eyes pierced through everything, even from across a room.

The male before me at last turned, removing his attention from me to look at— who I guessed were his partners— for in-tell. Perhaps, I did not know.

"How is she?" The long haired male asked, concern crossing all over his features as his eyes at last found my body.

"Shocked, but unharmed." The male stated.

The violet male stepped forward, small and slow steps. Perhaps to make sure I wouldn't spook. I was not some scaredy-cat in need of coddling. I stood my ground as he approached.

His hands were outstretched to mine, his palms facing upward. "My name is Rhysand." He stated to me, his voice gentle. "These are my brothers-" he gestured to both males, now standing next to one another. My eyes followed who he pointed to.

The long haired male came first. "That's Cassian." Rhysand told me.

His hand then pointed to the male with the cobalt syphons. "And that's Azriel."

I narrowed my eyes, my head tilting ever so slightly as I studied both males. They seemed deadly, yet safe. "What is your name?" He asked at last.

My name... My name

I did not know. I had never been given a name. I was always called by 'daughter' or 'girl'. I realized then that I had been staring at the tiles beneath my feet, the cold flowing through my toes. It did not feel like the Steppes.

"Hey.." A pair of fingers snapped before my eyes, snapping me back to reality. My eyes met those violet hues. "What's your name, darling?" Rhysand purred, trying to sound like he was comforting me.

"I do not know." I asserted, already fearing he'd flog me for talking back.

Though what I did not expect, was the look of pity I received instead. "You've never been given a name?" He questioned, and I nodded my head in answer. The male, whom I now knew as Cassian, cursed from behind Rhysand.

"Cassian, Az.." Rhysand whirled around to face the two males. "Find these males. Remind them that the rules have changed." He sounded Lord-like.

Cassian nodded his head firmly, holding his hand out toward Azriel, most likely to winnow.
I knew what winnowing was, my father used it to get me in and out of my cell to meet his clients.

Though as Azriel reached out, a sudden, unprocessed "NO!" escaped my lips. My hand clasped over my lips as I realized, immediately stepping back. All three males looked my way, looks of confusion on their faces.

Cauldron safe me.

"Why not?" Rhysand asked, and I felt the realization of what I just did dawn on me.
"I am— so sorry." I whispered. My father would have my head for this.

Though as I stood there, I couldn't help but to let my eyes wander to that hue of cobalt. The shadows leaking off of Azriel's figure.

Reaching, taunting me. His eyes squinted once more, and he stepped foreward. Away from Cassian.

Rhysand allowed Azriel to step past him, up to me.

His shadows reached, and he allowed them.

The wisp from before, I reached. My fingertips meeting the beginning, and I marveled at the feeling. The sensation of the cold shadow moving over my skin. A single wisp, curling around my fingers. All three males watched, though I did not care.

Rhysand stepped up, a look of pure awe in his eyes as he watched the wisp about my hand. "Az-" he spoke breathlessly, but Azriel cut him off, "I see." he spoke, a near whisper. It lasted only a few seconds before the male spoke up.

"C-cassian.." was he stuttering? I dared look at the males. "We best go.. together." Rhysand stated.

I dared a look at the male before me. Azriel.

"What are you?" I whispered, the shadow still clinging to my skin. It traveled up, cold air tickling its way up my arm. To my ear, where it curled about my lobe.

Azriel's eyes widened so suddenly, just as a gasp left my lips.


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