Chapter 23

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The fire roared peacefully in front of us both, pressing warmth around both our figures. The sun had set not too long ago. But it also took the warmth with it, leaving us with nothing but darkness and the cold. Now, I used to love both those things. But as I sat next to him, in front of that fire, I wanted nothing to do with any of it. Not anymore.

I could feel the tip of his finger glide down my arm, a gentle touch that sent sparks everywhere.

We had no food, nothing at all. That was okay, for tonight at least. He had promised we'd try to find something at first light. Which would be several hours from now. His gentle touch turned into rhythmic shapes. Circles and squares, on my lower arm, and eventually my hand. It laid in his lap as the fire burned through all the wood we'd been able to find in this place. It mostly consisted out of stones and pebbles, but rogue twigs and dry tree bark was spread around the place too.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked softly, his voice a gentle caress along with the crackling of the fire. We hadn't spoken much since the kiss. I couldn't let it go further, so I broke it. A silent mutual understanding sat between us ever since, which was hours ago. I looked at him, breaking away from the sight of his touch. It kept me calm, and at ease. I nodded, not saying anything as of yet. His eyes locked on my own, and I smiled softly at the sparkle in them. It returned anytime he looked at me.

"Did you sleep with Thesion?" He asked.

My body stiffened as a laugh escaped me. I shook my head, "Are you seriously trying to figure out who I slept with?"

He shrugged with a smile, he hadn't joined me in my sudden spurt of laughter. "What if I am?"

My mind was at ease around him. The reason as to why was clear, but also too far away to reach. He understood me, the same way Azriel had in my first month with him. But Hitori managed in another way. It went deep, a pit so easy to fall in. It felt as though he has fallen long ago.

And I was falling with him.

"You only kissed me." I stated, mentioning for the first time since it happened; since that first spark was sent through us both.

"I did." He confirmed.

"Was it okay?"

His hand left mine, the rhythmic shapes stopped. His hands found my face instead, a gentle touch I would never get sick of. Addicting, and sweet.

"It was the best kiss I've had in centuries, princess." The compliment gave me a new feeling. A feeling of validation, something I never knew I needed. But as his lips pressed ever so gently to my own once again, all that was forgotten. It was just me and him.

Me and Hitori, and the rest of the world turned dark and cold. Very cold.

My body shivered against it, and the kiss was broken as fast as it happened. We both looked at the embers before us. The ones that were keeping us warm less than two seconds ago.

A feeling washed over, the same feeling that overwhelmed me at the royal ball less than twenty-four hours ago. My eyes, now filled with panic and fear instead of adoration, met Hitori's again. "Fuck."

I cursed as realization hit me. I cursed as my wings spread, and wrapped around us both as a shield. And I cursed once more as the sound of flapping wings finally neared. Wind whirled around us, but it went silent just as quickly. We were positioned on the cold dirt, before our dead fire, with my wings curled protectively around our bodies.

But a presence brought me to my senses, one I had grown accustomed to over time.

Shadows licked their way across the ground, and met my hands that held onto the male I was kissing barely a minute ago. His eyes widened significantly, and my own followed.

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