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Flowers had begun to bloom again. The fifth season in a row, since my light had consumed thousands of warriors.

Thousands of males that had fallen, because me outburst had taken more than just their vision.

Since that day, I hadn't dared to touch that part of myself. So even as I stood here, admiring the flowers that bloomed each season without fault, I took in that piece of me that laid deep below my soul.

The sunset was at admirable view. One I would never get tired of.

Five years.

Five years had passed, and I still struggled to remember what had actually happened. But it didn't matter. Not anymore.

The fued with my mother was over, thanks to him. And as the thought of his love entered my mind, his loving arms wrapped around me. His chin coming to rest on my shoulder.

He had come to love himself more, over the past five years. Though five-hundred years of self-loathing would not just leave. I was aware of that.

I leaned my weight back against him, releasing a deep sigh. I was content like this. In his arms, admiring the view.

"Uncle Az!" A small voice called, "The sandwiches are done!"

We both looked to the source of the voice, finding Nyx standing down the hill. He waved us down, before running back to where his parents sat.

Rhysand and Feyre, Cassian and Nesta. A picnic in the hills, to celebrate us as a whole.

I smiled at the sight of Nyx biting into his sandwich, while seated next to his mother.

I turned around in his arms, and pressed my hands to his chest. I used my pointer finger to turn his head back to my own. Our eyes met, and I almost fell for him all over again. The colour. His entire being. I adored him, more than he would ever be able to understand.

"I want one." I told him.

Azriel's brows furrowed gently, "A sandwich?" He asked, "He just said they were done, so you–"

I shut him up with my hand, covering his mouth with it.

I shook my head with a gentle laugh. "Not a sandwich, Shadowsinger." I told him. I slowly removed my hand from his lips, but lingered to trace the shape of them ever so gently. "A little one." I whispered. "A babe."

I met his eyes once more. What I expected to find was shock, disdain. But what I found was that sparkle in his eyes. Such a rare thing. But I loved it a little more every time I saw it.

"You do?" He asked. I smiled at the innocence he portrayed. Such a ruthless warrior, yet so innocent when it came to such a fragile topic.

"If you'll give me the honor, I wouldn't want it any other way." I told him, cupping his cheeks with my hands ever so gently. "I wouldn't want it with anyone other than you."

His lips curled up into a smile, and his hands found my wrists. "Alright." He whispered.

And that's all I needed.

That's all I would ever need.

And so it comes to an end, at last. 1 whole year of writing, 230-ish pages of words. :,)

I wrote this short ass sequel chapter for some extra added fluff, because I know I barely had any throughout the story. And it'll give you an idea what the couple will be up to for the next year-ish lmao ;)

I want to thank everybody who has been with me since the start ♡
I love you all x
I'll be editing this story for the next little while, to try and improve wherever I'm able!

Love you all, and until next time xx

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