Chapter 17

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Light and darkness mix together, total opposites yet equal all the same. They either empower one another, or diminish.

You'd think that two equals would create the strongest force. That two of the same could empower one another. When in fact, it is the exact opposite.

Two opposites.

Both able to diminish or empower.

Darkness allows the light to shine.

Light allows darkness to exist, for the shadows live in the parts the light cant reach. They could harm, but also help in times of need.

I used to believe that he was my shadow. He was always with me, but he was too much of an equal to me. So much so that we were blessed with a bond so impenetrable, that it terrified us both.

I shone bright for him, allowed his shadows to settle in places I could not go myself. But the longer I spent with him, the more his shadows began to overtake the light. The shadows that gave me reason to shine, became too dark. They consumed me. My light died out.

I used to look at him, and see those harmless shadows. Now all I see is a black hole, the enemy to the moon granting my light. Consuming every piece of me.

I wanted more than anything in this universe for that hole to close. To be set free of that insufferable darkness I could not seem to shake. No matter when, or where I went. Whether he was right next to me, or merely in my mind.

I had not since found an equality like I had with him, that perfect bond any soul craved. A bond any male of female wished to have.
I now sat at the meeting table in the Great Hall of the Palace, sitting right across from him. Anytime I looked at him, and he at me, it felt as if he would consume me more and more. The longer he held my gaze, the more I seemed to get lost within it.

I wanted nothing more than to snatch the ink from beneath the Queen's nose, and throw it in his face.

Though despite my sudden overwhelming urge, I bit my tongue and kept my seat. I needed to keep my head in the game, to stay cool.

Next to me sat Hitori. The only male I had come to trust over the time span of the past month. We were playing a dangerous game, but the adrenaline was addicting for us both. A rush we kept searching for.

Captain of the guard, a worthy male of the position the darkness had taken from under his nose. Hitori deserved to lead, and not just a group of guards. An army, one of his own.

"King Evreux would have dispatched the legions a fortnight ago, your Grace." One of the many Lords here spoke. A meeting about the war. A silent, not yet initiated war.

The Queen had kept to herself throughout the past month. Not seeking fights she knew she could not win.

"How large are our Legions, Lord Spera?" The Queen asked, sitting by the head of the table. Asking questions to gloat most likely. Thesion cleared his throat in response, "Twenty thousand men are ready to march into Dawn and Day, your Grace."

She merely raised her brow. Twenty thousand men were not many, but there weren't many to spare. Things were scarce, or that was what I heard, at least.

"We have seventy-three thousand men on standby." Thesion continued, "They're ready to march into Night at your command, your Grace."

She nodded, though one of the other Lords spoke up without being granted to. Unauthorized speaking did not go lightly with the Queen. I had learned that the hard way. For me, it was a backhand to the cheek. I did not want to imagine what it would be like to those who weren't her blood. "Is there any true reason as to why we should infiltrate another Court, your Grace? Night has been dormant thus far."

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