Chapter 6

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"Repeat that." Rhysand nearly growled at us.

Cassian stood next to me, both our arms crossed tightly over our chests.

"Moonlight, Rhys." Cassian spoke up, "They were glowing."

The High Lord slowly began to rise from his seat, hands on the desk. The room always felt cramped whenever his powers started flowing. It silenced my shadows when he was like this.

"She hears them."

"She what?" Rhys snarled.

Usually, violet and hazel mixed well. But not today. Rhysand let a strange girl into his court. Into Velaris. A girl with powers. The powers of the damn moon. Cassian didn't dare speak up, not with that anger and confusion seeping through the room.

"She hears the shadows." I repeated. "They're-.." I dared a glance at Cassian, but he didn't return it.


I was digging my own grave.

"Words, Azriel." Rhysand snapped, he was impatient.

"Mine are lighter when she touches them." I told him.

This was the most I'd spoken in a full blown century. But keeping information from my High Lord wasn't an option. Despite him being Daemati, Rhysand never crossed boundaries without reason.

Cassian at last met my eyes, but they raked over my entire figure before meeting mine. I stood my ground, meeting those now dazed violet eyes once again. I knew that look anywhere, as did Cass.

Feyre walked in, freezing the second she sensed Rhysand's power filling the room. She looked at me, and I looked at her.

She's with the Valkyries. Go.

She spoke into my mind, and I nodded once. I stepped back to let her walk past me. To her mate. I spared a final glance at Cassian, before I allowed myself to seep into the shadows. Letting it consume me while I closed my eyes, the darkness' embrace.

I stood there, opening my eyes once more to see Nesta, with the other valkyries in the sparring rings. Just like Feyre had said.



And Amaya.

She no longer wore that silver gown she had worn earlier this morning. She wore the black Illyrian fighting leathers, hugging her body so— perfectly.

I shook my head, and stepped out of the shadows. Throwing triple the amount of concentration into hiding my shadows.

Nesta whirled toward me, a smirk creeping on her face. There was always something about her. A sharp edge even Cassian couldn't buff out.

"You look like you could use a sparring partner." Emerie said from the sidelines. Clear amusement in her voice.

I ignored the Illyrian.

"Where's Cass?" Nesta asked, which caught half my attention. I didn't even look at my brother's mate as I answered.

"Rhys's office." Plain and simple. Fast answer.

My steps were quick, headed to Amaya.

There was something about her.

She stood her ground as I walked up to her, her body ever unmoving. My arms crossed over my chest.

I studied the way she stood. Nearly hunched, her wings sagged behind her. I cringed.

"Stance." I told her. She cocked her head, lifting an eyebrow. Attitude. "First lesson. Lift your wings." I said. "Never drag them."

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