Chapter 14

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"Are you sure?"


"Like.. really sure?"

"Yes, Cassian."

"One hundred-"

"Shut up."

The Illyrian Steppes had been no one's favorite, but we needed a starting point. With Devlon in control of the camps, we needed multiple plans. Spymaster and General, walking right into Devlon's war camps. We'd be looking for trouble.

"Stick to the plan." I told him.

We stood on the outer edges of the camp, kneeled in the ankle deep snow. The wind carried our scents into the opposite direction.

"Right-" Cassian muttered, "Keep watch while you do your shadow thing."

I nodded my confirmation, tucking my wings in tight one last time. "Ready?" I asked.

Cassian nodded once, and the shadows concealed me into the darkness. The moon was high, the only source of light besides the small fires spread around the camp. I needed merely one piece of information, and I was going to get it.

The males in the camp were all occupied as I snaked through the darkness, staying silent. I needed any information we could possibly get our hands on about this female who took her.

Anything at all about Dusk.

Devlon's quarters came closer, and I found there to be light. His tent was the biggest in the entire camp. The shadows freed me of the darkness when I arrived at the back entrance.
Peeking inside, it was empty. Devlon had to be by one of the many bonfires. So I slipped inside, keeping my wings tightly tucked in.

Come on Devlon. Anything. Anything at all.

I pulled open drawers, rummaging through piles worth of paperwork. Maps, and bonds. But nothing that caught my attention as of yet. Drawer after drawer. Paper after paper.

Come on.

I froze as I had opened one drawer, finding something-

I slowly stood up straight as I held the paper.

Lord Devlon. Commander of Windhaven.


There was no way this could be true-

The rustling of tent material sounded, and my gaze snapped up.

I was rolling the paper up, and closing the drawer quickly, before making my way out the back. The same way I got in. This was vital information. Something we could use further down the road.

Letting myself be surrounded by shadows once more, I made for the way back to Cassian... Until-

"She did what she had to do." Devlon spoke. Loud enough to hear through the tent walls.

"Their forces are weaker than they were centuries ago, my Lord." A younger voice.

"They're forging their armies back together. If Dusk finds their power, they'll rise before my men can fly." Devlon said, obviously agitated. "Not to mention they also got their princess back." He started again. "Those two females combined can overpower that— that High Lord any day." He said with disgust.


"Lord Devlon-" a second younger voice. "I do suggest we begin our aerial training by dawn. The girls can train too-"

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