Getting used to new areas

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Harry POV

Almost everyone stood rooted to their spots. I waved to the Demigods and they started walking toward me. All of them had three large duffel bags, and I offered to hold Katie's bag. She looked the nicest out of all of the new people. With her yellow and green clothes, she let off a happy aura, like I wanted to hug a tree.

As I picked it up, I almost fell over the bag. The thing was so damn heavy! I picked it up, and slung it over my shoulder, and tried to walk. Behind me a few of the campers snickered. Ron looked at me and asked Katie what was in there.

"Oh nothing much, some swords, knives, nets, a few spears, a discus or two, a few things of nectar, ambrosia, my armor, and a watering pot." She said innocently, like there was nothing wrong with carrying a bagfull of weapons around. Ron, Hermione, and I stared at the Demigods wondering if they all had bags of weapons or just plain clothes. She must have noticed our shocked lookks, and said, "Oh I don't have as much equiptment as any of the others." I just gawked at her. We walked up the stairs to the Gryfindor common room.

"Password?" The Fat Lady asked, the Demigods all gasped in shock.

"D-d-d-d-d-did that painting just talk?!" Travis and Connor said at the same time.

Hermione giggled as the Fat Lady said

"Well of course I did you nincompoop! Why wouldn't I? And Who are you?!" This pulled everyone out of their shock and turned to me and asked for the password.

"Lampshade" I said holding back my laughter. As we walked into the living room, everyone parted ways, and talked amongst themselves for a few minutes. Then the painting door creaked open to reveal Proffessor McGonagall.

"Proffessor!" I said while looking at her in shock, because she never came to the common room after 10:00 PM. She smiled at me and turned to the demigods.

"Well, I hope you are all situated" she said eyeing their duffel bags scattered in different corners of the room, "and I have some information for you. Mr. Jackson, the teachers and I have made a new spot on the school lawn for your training activities, until Quidditch season starts- yes Ms. Chase?"

"Excuse me, but what's Quidditch?" she asked slowly,

"That my dear, Mr. Potter can tell you the answer to that. And here are your schedules, you may skip up to three classes a day, and please refrain from calling upon your godly power indoors Ms.Grace. Thank you, good night!"

Percy POV

We all turned and faced Harry.

"Well, small fry?" Clarisse asked him,

"Well, what?" He crinkled his eyebrows,

"Gods, what is Quidditch?" She asked him

"Oh! Well, Quidditch is a wiziard sport where we fly on brooms, and try to score points. It's kind of like your game-"

"Soccer" Annabeth said.

"Er- yes. So there are two beaters who are in charge of-" I was tired, and Quidditch didnt sound like much fun, so I decided to call it a night. "wait where are you all going?"

"To bed!" I said looking at him with tired eyes.

"Oh! Let me show you the way to your rooms!" The frizzy haired girl piped up. She had introduced herself earlier... it was some wierd British name, like Hermone or something. "Ron can guide the boys to their rooms."

"Sounds cool" Thalia said grabbing her duffel bags. We all grabbed our bags, and followed our designated guide. I followed the kid with orange hair and Conner, Travis, Nico, and Will followed suit. He led us to a door labeled 7th years. When we walked inside, there were beds lined up against the walls, all with red and gold curtains, a dresser by each bed, and a chest at the foot of each bed. I walked up to a bed, and sat down, the others took beds near me and started to unpack their belongings.

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