The Friendship is Severed

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Percy POV

Everyone was so happy to see James (Draco), especially Clarisse, who thought her half-brother had died. We had like, way more fun at the Slytherin table than at the Gryffindor table. And we were going to tell each other who we were going to take to the ball.

"Ahem," I said raising my glass, so the people at our table, and probably the whole school could see. The Great Hall went silent, awkward..... "I would like to make a toast, to a friend who we thought was dead, or dying. He left us when he was thirteen to scout for demigods in Europe, we thought he was gone forever. But we have found him now, you may know him as Draco Malfoy, but to us, he is James Dawson, The Son of Ares! To James!" I yelled,

"TO JAMES!!!" the Slytherin table screamed, and the rest of the Hall was silent. I sat down,

"Oh. My. Gods. Percy, I did not know you could be so formal! And you were absolutely amazing." Annabeth said smiling,

"Oh really?" I asked kissing her,

"I personally think it's disgusting, and that the gods have brainwashed him again, because the REAL Percy Jackson would never have done that." Thalia said, and EVERY single demigod (except Annabeth) agreed with her. I laughed,

"You guys are just jealous I'm better than you at everything."

"Say again Kelp Head" Thalia growled, Rachel sighed,

"You got Thalia mad Percy, be prepared." I just smiled at her, and repeated myself,

"You guys are just jealous I'm better than you a-AAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed as the glass dome of the ceiling broke, and a a stroke of lightning nailed me in the chest. I smelled burning, and saw that the hairs on my arms were singed off. The wizards screamed, and started running outside, but we didn't notice. I growled, and felt that familiar tugging sensation in my gut as the sewage burst open, and doused everyone.

"PERCY!!! THALIA!!!!!! PLEASE STOP!!" Everyone screamed at us. I released the water, and Thalia made the clouds part.

"I'll get you next time Kelp Head," She smiled awkwardly at me, I just let out a laugh and said

"Sure you will," and we went back to our dinners, which miraculously survived the glass, and acted as if this never happened.

Hermione POV

10 hours later.....

I woke up suddenly, and thought about the day's events, I could not believe what those demigods had done! They had completely trashed the Great Hall!! I had watched as everything unfolded, and Thalia? She scared me a lot. I looked over at her, and she was sleeping with a sword next to her, so were all of the other demigods, including Rachel. But what I couldn't accept was that Malfoy was a demigod!

"Annabeth?" I asked, sitting up in bed,

"Hm?" She sat up rubbing her eyes, and turning a lamp on, "What's up Hermione"

"Nevermind" I said, I was worried, I hadn't accepted my conscience's proposal... yet.



Percy POV

I was scared stiff, the ball was in five days, and I had nothing to wear. Wow that sounded way more manly in my head... But still! I paced my classroom for a bit,

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