Preparations & Battle

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Disclaimer!!! I don't own any of these characters! They all belong to J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan!!

Harry POV

2 months had passed, and Hermione, Ron, and I had destroyed many Horcruxes, and were back at Hogwarts. The Demigods had been helping McGonagall with many preparations, and helped protect students from the new teachers. They were of so much help, and now they were going to help us win the war. Word on the street was  that Voldemort never stopped asking them to join his side, and every time, the demigods replied "no". Now the castle had been warding the Death Eaters off for some time, and we were now under seige. 

"Sh! Ronald, that was my foot!" Hermione said as we creeped into the school,

"-Mione, you know I can't see in this dim lighting!" Ron's whispers echoed back,

"Would you guys just shut up?" I whisper/yelled at the direction the noise was coming from. That shut them up, I saw a sliver of light, and quickened my pace. We had been crawling through the sewage system for ages, and when I looked throught the vent, I gave a sigh of relief. We were exactly where we wanted to be, the men's bathrooms in Gryffindor Tower. I opened the vent with my wand, and slowly crawled out. I looked up, and came face to face with the tip of a sword.

"You are in so much trouble." Travis growled, and I saw Connor with his sword at Ron's throat.

"Nice to see you to," Ron muttered, Hermione was shocked into silence. Well of course she was shocked, the Stolls were both in battle armor, and had grim faces.

"So what happened while we were gone?" I asked cautiously, Travis scowled,

"We have been fighting for two weeks, and now, we're under seige! There are spies in the castle, and we can't ask for reinforcements, or anything! Things are amazing Harry!"  then Connor said,

"Last week, Percy was named general of the Wizard army, and that lifted people's spirits but we are in a war so nohing is well!" 

"Ok.." Hermione said,

"We need to take them to Percy." Travis said to Connor, who nodded, why were they treating us so differently? They lowered their swords, and led us to a new part of the dorm. Ginny was at the door with her wand, she nodded to the twins, and smiled at me.

"He's expecting you." She said to us, and pushed the door open. Inside, there were bronze braziers with green flames dancing around, and racks of weapons, armor, a SMART board, and a large table. Percy was standing at the head of the table with his armor on, and was staring at maps with Thalia and Nico. Annabeth was busy drawing warplans on the board, and Clarisse was pulling scrolls out from shelves. 

"Uh, hey guys." I said, and everyone looked up from their duties, everyone was in armor. They looked at us expectantly then smiled grim smiles.

"Welcome back" Percy said, and the others started to greet us. Home sweet home.

"We heard about the seige, and came immediately." Ron said, and Percy nodded while Annabeth said,

"Yeah, did you get to the Horcruxes?" We all nodded.

"Goo, because we know what the last one is. It's Voldemort's snake, and you have to kill it." I took this in, and said,

"We need to end this war, in the next few days." Everyone agreed, so we set work to our battle plans.

Percy POV

War isn't necessarily a bad thing. Too little war, and people start to take things for granted, too much, and people start to dip into insanity, or get really sick of it. We were near the too much zone, after this war started I got nearly 4 hours of sleep every night. The plus side was that even though we were under seige, the house elves apparently had endless cabinets, so food was never something to worry about. 

"Perce, If we do this right, I think we can end the war by dawn." Will said as he drew lines on the SMART board.

"Alright, tell me." I said, and he pointed to the board,

"We'll attack from the front with a few wizards, while some go this way, that way, and Delta plan it. Then some will go and attack Omega, and Harry will kill snakey, and then finish his 14-year-ago-business." Will said, while Annabeth edited every single mark on the board to match his description.

"Sound's cool. We'll spread the word, and bring me the Heads of the Houses." I said, and Will left the room. I walked over to Annabeth, and hugged her,

"I really want for this to end. I'm sick of it, all of it. All of this shit about wizards, wars, snakes, and stuff. I want to go home, and live my life with you." I said, she nodded,

"Percy, when this is over, you know the wizards might come with us to New York, and stay at camp for a while. You can never get away from something this phenomenal, and life-changing, but when this is over, I want to be with you to, but you are a leader and you must never-." I kissed her to make her see my reason, and for once in the weeks of war, I relaxed, and let myself hold her in my arms for a little bit. Just forget the whole "general" thing, the war, and just let myself calm down. Footsteps aproached, and we fell apart. Four people entered with Will behind them, and Harry walked in afterwards.

"Harry, when you were gone, the Headmistress apointed student heads. Gryffindor's head is Neville Longbottom." I said to him, and pointed to the dark haired boy with a golden lion pinned to his robes, and a sword at his side. 

We had given the heads swords, and trained them to use them for the good of their houses.

"Ravenclaw head is Lily Salva, Hufflepuff is Jillian Mace, and Slytherin is Draco Malfoy, or James Dawson." Annabeth continued for me. Harry nodded, and we all sat down at the table. Will and Annabeht explained the plan, and everyone nodded. Everyone went their seperate ways to inform the 5th-7th years of their houses. This would be the last battle, and even the Death Eaters knew that.

At 9:30 PM, all fighters met in the Great Hall, and looked to me,

"Everyone! You have fought well and hard! The war will end today! Your names will go down in history! Don't grieve for the lost ones yet, FIGHT FOR THEM!!!" I yelled, and the Great Hall erupted into cheers, and McGonagall had tears in her eyes. We quietly creeped to our designated areas, and waited. I sent prayers to every god I knew and counted to 50.

"On my signal, one, two, THREE!!!" And we charged. 

Smash, parry, jab, block. Take those words, and multiply them by 100, I repeated those words in my head while we attacked. Smash, parry, jab, block. My ADHD was in hyper mode, and I noticed everything. Harry was running towards Voldemort. A Death Eater sent a spell towards me, and I deflected it. A piercing scream ran through the air, and everyone stopped fighting. Voldemort was clutching the headless corpse of the snake, and Harry was shooting green sparks from his wand at him. Voldemort kept blocking his spells, all while holding his dead snake.

The war raged on for hours, there were casualties from both sides, and sparks showered the sky. We fought until that final moment, when the first rays of sun glanced over the mountains, and cast golden beams towards us. It was then that Harry managed to get Voldemort off guard, and sent the fatal blow at him. I ran towards Annabeth and kissed her as cheers rose to the sky. The Dark Lord had been vanquished, and peace was restored. The Death Eaters were scurrying left and right, their king had been killed, and no one knew what to do.

I kissed Annabeth, and picked her up, then carried her to the Great Hall where rubble was cleared, and a feast prepared.

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