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Hi people who read my stuff! Sorry if the last chapter was boring! I needed something to write Sorry! O_O


Nico POV

I opened my enchanted duffel bag and started to pulling out the weapons we had packed. I was slightly uncomfortable with all of these wizard-y people staring at me like I was some newly discovered species, oh wait, yeah I guess I am... ha.

"Nico! Start tossing me the spears!" Thalia said to me,

"On it!"

"and Annabeth could you please get the sheilds, and start- OH MY GODS!!!" I turned to face her and saw her soaking wet. She had a nice crown of seaweed on her haid, and in the distance, the Stolls were high fiving each other each with a bucket in hand. Even worse, the campers started to laugh, which put a look of pure loathing on her face.

"Hey Thalia? I think now is a great time to unleash on them." Percy said grinning.

"Oh yeah Kelp Head, it''s time." Thalia said gnashing her teeth.

"Aw sweet, two Big Three kids wanting revenge? Lets do this! You're going down twins!" Clarisse said picking up her spear. The Stolls finally realised their mistake, and ran towards us with their swords drawn. I laughed, and abandoned my sorting, and unsheathed my Stygian Iron sword. I heard Annabeth mutter

"Idiots." as she threw a spear and sword to Katie who caught them easily, she grabbed her dagger, and ran to Percy's side. Rachel sat this one out. Will, Katie, and I had decided to side with the Stolls to make the fight fair. They were about to go down! I couldn't help but notice a blonde boy who looked at is wistfully, like he wished he was fighting with us. He looked familiar. Whatever, you wish you were as cool as us.

We circled each other looking for weaknesses, I called upon six undead wariors to guard us. Katie immediatly started to make vines grow, and tied Clarisse's feet to the ground.

"Damn it!" Clarisse yelled while hacking through the bindings on her feet. Thalia growled, and called upon her electricity, and disintergrated half of the undead I had called upon. The smell of burning filled my nose, and I saw Percy run towards the Stolls.

Connor POV

We were screwed. I knew that if you got Annabeth mad, then you got Percy mad. And he was running straight towards us. He suddenly stopped, and grabed his left shoulder, where  one of Will's boxing glove arrows had hit him. Of course the smart thing to do was run, and pray to the gods that he wouldn't feed us to whatever was under the lake, but we don't follow the laws of nature. Travis, and I charged him. We fought two against an injured one, he was good even though his shoulder was probably dislocated. 

A sharp pain seared through my thigh where Percy had slashed me. I saw Annabeth and Thalia were fighting undead warriors while vines grew up their legs, and Clarisse was fighting Nico, while Will shot at people with his boxing glove arrows. Percy had Travis down, and was trying to pin him down while slashing at me. He got a had scrapes from Travis, and me. Travis had red on his blue shirt, and was laughing while trying to break free of Percy's hold. When-

"What in Merlin's name are you doing?!!" An old lady with brown hair came marching up to us.

"Uh..." Percy said as he let go of Travis' arm,

"We were just training." Nico said, wait Nico?! I jumped back.

"Dude! How long were you there?" I said, he just grinned at me, and the old lady scowled.

"I will tell the Headmistress of your rough housing, and make sure it does not happen again!"

"With all due respect, who are you?" Annabeth said politely,

"Proffessor Nostria, I'm the new Mythology teacher, and I will start teaching tomorrow." She said proudly. Ha her name sounded like nostril, and Austria put together.

"Well, we have permission to train here, Proffessor , from the Headmistress so she won't care." Clarisse sneered. The old hag glared at her, and stormed off, leaving us with half the school staring at us. We burst out laughing, Rachel and Thalia were on the ground banging their fists against the ground, and Clarisse was nearly crying. 

We all walked over to a series of benches, and sat down. I grabbed a canteen, and took a swig, yumm, my mom's homemade chocolate mousse. Immediately my thigh felt better, and Harry, Hermione, Ron, and some others walked over to us.

Percy POV

"Hey guys!" I said when the wizards walked over. I saw some new faces, and wondered who they were.

"Bloody Hell mate! I didn't know you could fight like that!" Ron exclaimed, 

"Yeah, it requires a lot of training." I said happily, "So who are these people?" I glanced at them. Twin girls, and, oh gods, the blonde from earlier. Annabeth did not look happy, she walked over, and sat next to me. She took my hand, leaned against me, and said

"Hi! I'm Annabeth" she said dripping with false sweetness "I'm Percy's girlfriend!" I nearly laughed, the three girls looked furious. Especially the blonde, Lara? Lauren? No, Lavender.


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