The Bald Guy and the Guy with a Tragic case of OCD

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Disclaimer! I don't own any of the characters!!! They all belong to Rick Riordan, or J.K. Rowling!!!

Thalia POV

I woke up with the worst headache ever, and sore feet. I sat up,

"Argh," I was in the dorm, and I was in my bed, how the hell did I make it here? I looked up,  and felt dizzy, so I slowly laid myself down, and tried to think about what had happened, but all I got was fuzzy swirls, and sparkels. Hangover.

"Geez Thalia, are you okay?" Annabeth's face appeared in my vision,

"Uh...." I said,

"You danced and drank with Rachel for hours, after the Death Eaters left. Then you both got drunk, did the 5 hour Tango, and fell over on Leah. You knocked her out, Rachel twisted her ankle, then you all crashed on top of an empty table, and got concussions. And I think Leah has a broken arm. Then you fainted, and Rachel accidently scratched your forehead while falling over" I grinned up at her,

"All in a days work my dear."

"Oh really, because people were laughing really hard, and you and Rachel both had to be carried up here by Percy and Will." I blushed,

"Blame the booze." I grumbled, and Will entered my peripheral vision,

"You are officially the wierdest patient I have ever treated." He muttered while taking my blood pressure,

"Why, what did I do?" I asked utterly stunned, Annabeth laughed, and Will grinned,

"The Stolls have it all on film. When when I put you on anesthesia you started singing about unicorns, gummi-bears, and Aphrodite's chihuahua. Then while I stitched your forehead, you nearly clawed me, and you called me what sounded like a feather-brained dream catcher." He said to me,

"Why was I on anesthesia? Why not ambrosia, and nectar?" I asked utterly perplexed,

"Well, I tried to feed you the stuff, but every time I tried to put something in your mouth, you spit it out, and acted like a 2 year old." I started to laugh, and Percy and Nico entered,

"Thalia, you are the awesomest partier ever." Percy beamed,

"Yeah, I bet Dionysus would be proud." Nico grinned,

"Gee thanks guys, so what happened with the Death Eater people, and what time is it?" I asked

"It's 12:30 PM, and we are going to meet them on the front lawn, as soon as you can walk. They're waiting for us." Percy said while sitting down on a bed,

"Wow, Seaweed Brain, you are the most gracious host ever." Annabeth huffed as she kissed him, and hurried out the door.

"The Death Eaters want us to go meet their Master, the Dark Lord or something, whatever." Nico said while stretching himself onto the bed to my left, Clarisse's bed, "Ow!" He yelled as he brought his hand out from under the bed, on his palm was a clean gash that had minimal bleeding, "Who's bed is this?!" He yelled,

"Clarisse." Will answered simply,

"Oh." Nico said as he poured a few drops of nectar on his wound, and wrapped it with a peice of cloth. I sighed, and put my head on the pillow, then sat up,

"Woah, we should really go down to the guest people." I gulped down the half cup of nectar beside my bed, and stood up feeling rejuvenated,

"Lets do this!" Will said,

"Hold it," Percy said, "We need to know who we are dealing with, so I say we make a grand entrance. Thalia, do your thing." Of course! We had all learned minimal telportation, and could travel short distances (except Nico who could go to China without breaking a sweat) through our parents' domain. I opened a window,disappeared into the clouds, and I saw Percy literally evaporate. Nico walked over to a bed's shadow, and melted into it.

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