Day: 1 not a good start

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Percy POV

We ran into the girls room to find..... no one.

"The hell?" I muttered, then I followed the screaming to the bathroom where I slammed the door open to find the girls huddled in one corner screaming, and Annabeth in another corner wearing nothing but a towel covering her, pointing to the shower.

"Are you all right?!" I yelled. The screaming girls finally shut up but, Annabeth was still shaking, and pointing to the shower.

The other guys stormed in with weapons and.. sticks?

"What the hell happened?" Harry and Will asked. The other girls explained as I finally noticed the shower was sill running. The water was red, I looked at Annabeth who was covered in red.

"Guys," I said slowly, "look at the shower."

"Bloody Hell" Ron whispered

"Di Immortales" Nico said, then everyone looked at Annabeth, and averted their eyes. Except one of the wizards whose name I didn't know. But I didn't worry about that, I hurried over to Annabeth, and hugged her and whispered comforting words to  her. She sobbed on my shoulder acidently letting go of her towel.

"Percy! I-I-I-I was in it!!"

"Woah!" I yelled quickly pulling it back up. She didn't seem to notice all of the people in the room. Hermione, Thalia,  and Katie left the bathroom, and returned with some things. A bathrobe, shoes, and nectar. The other guys started to take care of the girls, and Travis and Connor started to grin.

"What's so funny?" I growled

"Whats funny is that both of you fell for our prank!" Travis laughed.

"What?!" I yelled along with Harry.

"Yeah, look" Connor said as he unscrewed the shower head to reveal a bag of red drink mix.

"I am going to kill those two." Annabeth muttered when she stopped crying.

"Yeah me to." I muttered as I picked her up bridal style, and carried her to her bed. I needed to calm down. I found her bed easily, it was the one with the navy Yankees cap, silver and blue laptop, an weapons. I pulled the curtains around the bed so she could change, and wipe herself with the washcloth I handed her. 

"Hey, Wise girl? I asked her.


"I have to teach my first class tomorrow. I need to know if I'm good enough to teach."

"Oh Seaweed Brain," she muttered as I peeked my head through the curtain ", you will always be a good teacher. Just teach them how to fight! Come here." I pulled my whole body through, and sat next to her. 

"Really?" I asked giving her my puppy dog eyes. She laughrd

"Really! Gods I love you so much!" I leaned in to kiss her, we kissed for a while before I remembered she was only in a bra and jeans.

"Oh gods, I'm so sorry." I said blushing. I looked over at her, and saw her blushing furiously pulling a white t-shirt on.

"Oh Seaweed Brain, What would I do without you?" She muttered. Hey it wasn't my fault my girlfriend was a super hot, amazing, smart demigod.

"Well then I'll teach them to use physical strength as well as mind strength." I said

"Thats how my Seaweed Brain thinks." She smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss. "Now lets get our revenge on the Stolls!" she anounced as she pulled her helmet out from under her bed.

"Hell yeah! I'll go change into my armor!" I said eagerly

I ran to the boys' dorm and shouted 

"Demigods!!! Training, NOW!! Suit up! Especially the twins!" I started changing.

"Hey mate, mind if we watch?" Seamus asked

"Yeah can we?" Harry asked

"Hey y'all can watch us if you're fine with me beating these guys up!" I said while strapping my armor on, "

"Great." They replied, then  watched as we started loading the weapons into bags. 

"Where are we supposed to eat breakfast?" Will muttered rubbing his stomach.

"Ah, my friend be ready for the biggest breakfast of your life." Seamus laughed.

Harry POV

We managed to get all of the demigods situated, and they either hauled large bags of weapons, or strapped all of their weapons to themselves. We got many stares from other students as we made our way to the Great Hall.

"Well here we are" I anounced as we entered the Great Hall. We all sat down at the Gryffindor table, and started to eat, but the demigods weren't eating, "Is the food to your liking?" I asked

"Oh it's great dude, but we were looking for a way to make a fire in here..." Percy said

"I have that ready!" Proffessor McGonagall came by us carrying a large hollow container that she set down in  a corner of the hall. She then set an enchanted flame in the container. The demigods and Rachel filled their plates, and walked over to the fire. A hush fell over the hall as they thanked McGonagall, and stood by it.

One by one the newcomers dropped the best pieces of food into the flames muttering things under their breath. And instad of a rotten, burning smell, the hall was filled with the aroma of flowers in the summertime.

When they came back, i asked them what the were doing,

"Oh we always give offerings to the gods before we eat." Annabethsaid while buttering toast. The demigods ate so much, yet the were so agile, and thin. I could tell people were jealous of us sitting with the newcomers because there were many conversations involving pointing and staring. Ha...

"Hi! I'm Lavender!" The blonde said to Percy

"Uh, hey, uh I'm Percy" he replied,

"Oh i know that silly," she said flirtatiously, Annabeth gave an annoyed cough while the other campers snickered.

"Well, PERCY, I think it;s time to go train right?" Annabeth said picking up her weapon bag

"Uh yeah, sure thing." Percy stammered, standing up quickly. "Lets go folks!"

"Where are you going?" A voice rang out, and Percy answered 

"To train!!" hearing this nearly the whole school got up, and followed us to the front lawn where there was a cleared field, practice dummies, and empty racks. (I assumed those were for the weapons) There were obstacle courses, and many more challenging things set up for them to use.

"Well, looks like we're gonna have to stock these shelves! Let's do it!" Percy announced.

"Yeah!!!" the others said in unison.

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