A Tux, a Dress, and a Goddess on a Caffeine High

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Thanks for waiting so long! I'm making this chapter long!!! 

Harry POV

I walked in, and sat down quietly,

"Percy, um I need to apologize" I said to him,

"Hey, there is nothing to say, water under the building," he said smiling at me, Annabeth laughed

"Water under the bridge Percy, bridge."

"Wise girl, you of all people should know how stupid that sounds. Water under a bri- ah, oh." He looked at her seriously, and everyone burst out laughing, even me.

"I really am sorry though," I said,

"Dude, in case you didn't notice, I punched you a few times, and got stabbed. I think we're pretty even. Now, does anyone have food? All they fed me was soup." He said standing up, then turning pale, and sitting down again,

"Percy, I think you lost a lot of blood when they pulled the sword out, and you got stabbed in the stomach, so I woudn't recomend eating." Rachel said from a corner,

"Geez, I didn't know you were a doctor as well! How much do I not know about you?" He asked Rachel, she looked at him seriously, and said,

"Oh, Kelp Head, theres a lot about me you don't know." then she gave a mysterious laugh, and officially freaked me, and Percy out. The Oracle was not as weird as when I first met her. I looked around, and the other demigods were around him, and talking. Even Ron and Hermione, I was sitting in a chair close by and just listening. Annabeth was curled up into his chest and taking in that her boyfriend was alive and breathing.

After everyone stopped talking, we decided to go to bed. I conjured up another bed, and set it down next to Nico's, everyone else had fallen asleep, and Percy said,

"Thanks man." Percy said smiling at me.

"No problem," he stood, and opened the picnic baskets silently.

"Umm Percy?" asked

"SH!! Dude, I'm starving! Don't tell Annabeth, Thalia or Katie! Oh, and Rachel." I nodded, and put my head on my pillow, closed my eyes, and went to sleep.

Percy POV

I was STARVING!! I'm a growing boy, and soup will not cover 10,000 gallons of blood loss! How many gallons of blood do we have in our bodies anyway?

I silently opened the baskets and found a bowl of cold macaroni, and four slices of pizza, JACKPOT. I started to slip the bowl out when I felt a sharp blade pointed towards me.

"Not on my watch Kelp Head" Thalia whispered snatching the bowl from me, "Instead you get this!" she tossed me a waterbottle. Yum.

"Come on Thalia please! A nibble, just a tiny little bite!" I complained, she glared at me,

"I wish I could feed you, but I really don't want my cousin to die right now. Plus Rachel and Annabeth are scary when they're mad. So, drink the water, and go back to sleep." She said with sympathy. I looked at her, and said,

"We haven't chatted like this for a while, you know? Cousin to cousin?"

"Yep. And if you're trying to talk yourself into gaining my sympathy, don't even think about it." she replied smiling, Nico sat up rubbing his eyes,

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