Shoot Me Now

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Percy POV

Lavender pulled out a very official looking document out, and started reading from it,

"Demigods! Next week on Saturday the 31st, we will be hosting a ball to further enhance our friendship! Please dress formally, and as our guests, you and your couple, if you choose to have one, will be the first to dance!
Minerva McGonagall"

She finished,
The girls started squealing, and I just thought. Wow, a formal ball... Crap, I was going to have to wear a suit. I looked at the other guys, Travis was leaning on his brother's shoulder muttering about having to wear a suit, and Nico was trying to get Will to shoot him in the head. So our emotions were alike.

Lavender flashed me a toothy smile, and walked away with her friends,

"Well! I think this'll be a great experience!" Katie said,

"Yeah!" Annabeth said smiling,

"Well if Annabeth's happy, then I'm happy. Even if I have to wear a tie." I said putting my arm around her waist.

"Aw, come on dude! We had enough back up to convince the girls not to go! You can't back out on us man!" Will exclaimed with a stricken expression. I looked at Nico who was ready to shoot himself, and the girls had started squealing again. Even Clarisse, which scared me, a lot. I would rather fight a monster than put on a suit.

I put on a brave face and said,

"Guys it's a suit, and tie, and, and, and dancing right?" I started sweating. This was going to be hard.

"First thing. We need dates." I announced. Nico's eyes widened,

"Dude! I can't ask someone out!"

"Why? Gasp, Nico! Don't tell me, are you a Hunter?" I feigned shock

"Ha ha ha, no. I just.... Fine."

"Thank you. So, who are we taking?" I asked packing my weapons, the others started to copy. It actually isn't considered packing, seeing as we just threw everything in Nico's bag.

"I'm gonna ask Katie" Travis said softly, we all stopped and stared at him.

"Wait, you the prankster who constantly is mean to the sweet, nice, girl, is now ASKING HER OUT?!" Will practically screamed.

"Uh yeah man. I guess that's it." He stammered blushing.

So a Stoll, a FREAKING STOLL has love in him. I had to wear a tie. We would have to dance first.

Shoot me now.


Hey guys so I hope you liked it! In the next chapter, I'm going to introduce a very special character. LEAH!!!!!!!!! She is actually a real person, and if she would tell me her LAST NAME then that would be great! Thanks for reading!!!! Sorry this chapter was so short!



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