Professor Jackson & Foreheads

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The next day.....

Percy POV

I woke to the horrid thought of teaching. Me a teacher. I was sweating, and almost fell off my bed. No one else was awake, well duh. Teachers had to get up earlier, and prepare for the day. Plus demigods were not known for their punctuality. I walked to the bathroom, and turned the shower on, made sure the water was clear (a new habit), and stepped in. I slowly gained energy, and felt calmer. I stepped out, brushed my teeth, and got dressed in the clothes Annabeth picked out for me. Yeah, I know, my girlfriend picked my clothes out. She had told me my clothes were too "childish" for a professor, and had grabbed a white button down shirt, and black jeans that from a distance looked dressy. So I had a white shirt tucked in, black belt, jeans, and Sperrys. I looked at myself in the mirror, and sighed. I'm a professor, and I had to teach. Yippee.

I hauled my butt to the girls' dorm, knocked lightly, and walked in. Everyone was sound asleep, even Annabeth. I walked up to her bed, and looked at her, even with her orange Camp Half-Blood cami (I don't know where she got it) messy hair, and green boyshorts that had "I <3 OCEAN" stamped on the back, she was beautiful to me. I turned her over, and almost burst out laughing. She had her knife next to her, and next to the knife was a teddy bear that had PJ & AC stenciled on it's stomach. I had gotten it for her on Valentines day a few years back, and let me tell you, the bear was the softest thing I had ever touched, and was memory foam. She must have replaced her reguler bear with mine (SHHHHH!!!!!). I kissed her forehead, muttered

"I love you" and walked out of the room.

I went to the Great Hall, and saw the long teacher's table was laden with breakfast foods. Professor McGonagall walked over to me and handed me a list,

"This is your daily schedule, and please enjoy being a teacher. If you wish, instead of sitting with the teachers during meals, you may sit with your fellow demigods. Oh, and you are only teacher for as long as you wish." she smiled

"Thank you Professor." I said, when she turned, I grabbed a plate, and put blue waffles (they had it!) and fruit on it. When I was almost done eating, I looked at my plans, and was pretty cool with it.



10:10-11:10 RAVENCLAW/ HUFFLEPUFF 1st year

1:20-2:20 RAVENCLAW/ HUFFLEPUFF 2nd year

2:25-3:25 GRYFINDOR/SLYTHERIN 1st years

The rest of the week was pretty much the same but with other numbers, like 3rd year, and such. I got weekends, and Fridays off, and an hour or so between each class.

I looked at my watch, and saw the minute hand hit 8:03, and immediatly grabbed my last waffle, schedule, and sprinted to room 187D. Crap, late on the first day, what would Annabeth say?

I slammed the door open, and was stared at by my friends, and kids in black bathrobes. Wizards were wierd. The room was split into one side with green ties, and one with red. My friends were situated in the middle of the reds with our new friends with them. I straightened myself, and walked to the front of the room. I wrote my name on the blackboard, Professor Perseus Jackson.

"Well, I'm your new professor. I hope you enjoy my class." I said, while finishing my waffle, and was about to continue when a hand shot up. Ah, the nerdy birdy Hermione. "Yes?"

"Er, Professor, I was wondering what you were going to teach us?" she said uncomfortably,

"Ah good question, 5 points to Gryfindor. Have you ever tried to administer physical strength as well as mental strength while in combat?" Everyone but the demigods shook their heads, "Well, then we have a lot to learn!" I happily anounced. I turned to write "Physical Combat" on the board when I heard a rustle of paper, and a whisper + giggle. Oh now we're passing notes? I finished writing, turned around, and as quick as lightning, ran over, and snatched the note from the green tie side. Resulting in a shriek, and scream. I smirked, and opened it feeling the power of being in charge. I read it over, laughed, and read it out loud, in the most girliest voice I could muster,

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