I apologize for my absence

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I know I haven't posted in months. I haven't forgotten about this app. I know I have a couple of requests. I started on one in July but my pet's death having happened, that severely messed me up. Ash was my little fur baby and he got me through all my big accomplishments from the end of 2018 to the middle of 2022. I have a little girl hedgehog named Nyx (see the chapter cover image) and she is a handful. I love her so much. But the death of my first hedgehog messed me up badly so I wasn't able to write and was going through severe writer's block especially character creation for Dungeons and Dragons.

I am hoping to get back in the swing of things and on occasion post on here with requests. I know I have at least three requests and one of those has been started but unfortunately, I lost where the request was. It was a Varric request where he and the Inquisitor went shopping, so I may not be able to post that one as I had the beginning written. I hope the next couple of days I can get out my most recent request that was given earlier this year. I am really sorry for just dropping off the face of the earth.

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