The Fifth Year (Part III)

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Professor Erik is very uneasy when you meet him, but you were more concerned with blocking out your thoughts that seemed to scream what had happened a few minutes ago in the Three Broomsticks bathroom, and you didn't want Erik having a view of that. It would be embarrassing enough.

As you begin to walk toward the Shrieking Shack, Fury meets you halfway.

"We'd better take our conversation somewhere more private, Professor." He says to Erik after greeting you briefly. And then you are walking back to the farthest part of the village.

Fury led you to a bar that was dark because of poor lighting, and was quite empty. The sign "The Hog's Head" was old and rotten, and you guessed that it was not the kind of establishment that would care to ask your age.

You were a little surprised to find Professor Maria Rambeau sitting at a table in the back with Carol Danvers, but the way everyone was nervous encouraged you not to say anything.

"Good afternoon, Miss Stark." Greeted Maria politely as soon as you reached the table, and you nodded shyly to your teacher and the auror, who smiled at you. Professor Erik looked around, and even though you were already at the farthest table in the place, he seemed to want to make sure that none of the few suspicious-looking and illegal witches in the place would be listening.

"Let's talk quickly, the students need to get back to the castle before dark." Said Fury as he signaled for you to take a seat on one of the stools.

Erik was the next to speak, and for at least fifteen minutes. He told everyone about your vision, and about how he was preparing you in case the worst happened, and you were very surprised when the subject came up around the Avengers' Army, shocked to learn that some of the professors had known about it, and were more than willing to keep it from the ministry.

"You should know that the students are making some noise." Fury commented seriously and you bit the inside of your cheek. "I would expect no less from someone like Tony Stark if you ask me."

"Nick, we've talked about this." It was Professor Monica who spoke up. "They are just kids. It's appreciable that older students like Stark or Romanoff are helping the minors, but recruiting them into the order is insane."

You widened your eyes, surprised at the idea. But none of the adults were talking directly to you.

Fury chuckled.

"You were their age when you joined." He retorted and Professor Erik sighed in dissatisfaction.

"We were at war, none of us had a choice." He accused, but Fury's expression did not waver.

"And you don't think we're in one now, Mr. Lehnsherr?" Ironized the man. "Every minute we waste trying to get some clue from Mephisto, he grows stronger. And it's not our place to stop young wizards from fighting for what they believe in."

"Don't pull that crap on me, Fury!" Erik squawked angrily. "We will not put children to fight. Not again."

"They are not powerless, Erik." Fury argued in the same tone. "They're not like Ma-"

"Don't you dare!" The professor interrupted as he slammed the table, making you jump in fright. Fury sighed and you looked at the whole scene with confusion.

Erik stood up in a rage, and gave Fury an angry look before leaving. You hesitated to follow him, but Carol touched your forearm and you figured you should stay.

"You shouldn't have brought Magna into the conversation, Fury." Carol scolded him sternly. You blinked in confusion, wondering if it was really Wanda's mother they were talking about. "Now go apologize while I talk to Miss Stark."

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