Part XIV - The Sixth Year (Part Four)

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You ran your hand through your hair for perhaps the tenth time, nervously waiting for the portal opening moment.

It was cold in the astronomy tower, and the last time you had been there, the memories were not exactly good.

You checked the clock again. Three minutes.

Gamora and Nebula wished you good luck when you said goodbye to them after spending the afternoon in the Slytherin dormitory, and you thanked Mantis for the "aurea cleansing" she had done on you.

Clutching the key between your fingers, you stood up, whispering the countdown next to the clock.

Fifty. Forty. Thirty...

And then everything spun around you.

When your feet touched the ground, you stumbled softly, sighing before you recognized the place.

You swallowed hard, staring at the entrance to the Maximoff home.

Storing the key back in your pocket, you took a step forward toward the residence, but then the door opened, and the curious face of Erik with his wand raised toward you was there.

"Hi, pro-"

"Wanda! Miss Stark has arrived!" He interrupted with a shout, smiling softly at you before opening the door entirely. You swallowed your nervousness as Erik pulled you into the house, and you barely absorbed the polite greetings from him or from Pietro who was in the room, before Wanda appeared.

A wave of relief washed over your body immediately, and you had half a second to smile at her before she broke the distance from the stairs to you, enfolding your body in a tight hug that you reciprocated with the same intensity.

"Let's give them some privacy, Pietro." You heard Erik say before they left the room, you didn't see it, just deduced it by the footsteps as you had your face buried in Wanda's neck.

"Merlin, I missed you so much." You grumbled against your skin, and heard Wanda sniffle softly.

"I don't want to let go." She confessed, making you smile.

"Then don't."

So she keeps holding you for long minutes. You don't mind, rubbing her back gently.

When she finally pulls away, she hesitates. Your faces are close and Wanda swallows dryly.

She gives you a sad smile, her hands running down your arms until she pulls away completely, fists clenched at her sides.

You ignore the way your heart is racing, and clear your throat.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." You say. "I wish I was at the ministry with you."

She shakes her head softly. "Don't be. Your safety was a priority, and dad and Pietro kept me company. Besides, you're here now."

"I am."

Wanda bites her lip, and there is a moment's pause between you. She looks away from your eyes as she moves her hands to play with the rings.

"H-how are you?" she asks, making you smile, and when you take a step toward her, she holds her breath.

"I'm the one who should be asking that." You say raising your hand to her face, enjoying the way she leans into your touch. "I'm sorry about Hogwarts and-""I don't care about that, Y/N." She interrupts with an almost incredulous tone. One of her hands goes up to your face, mimicking the motion you are making with her. She swallows dryly before continuing to speak. "I was so worried about you. That day, I heard you. I felt you." She counters and her eyes fill with tears. "The pain he caused, I felt it all. I heard you calling me, and I almost didn't make it. I don't know what I would do if-"

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