Part XXIV - The Witch's Cabin (Part Three)

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It is strange to be in someone's house without that person around.

But Charles does his best for you and Wanda not to think about it so much.

The first day, you guys just keep studying. He lets you try to prepare lunch, and you do a good job.

On the second day, Wanda helps him with the potions. He loves the subject, but has never been as good as Erik. You watch her teach him some tricks her father taught her, while the three of you are together in Charles' study room.

On the third day, you find an old radio.

"I know it probably won't work, but it doesn't hurt to try doesn't it?" You mutter in justification with the mostly destroyed and dusty device in your lap, which you found when Charles asked for your help in cleaning out the basement.

"I'm sure you can fix it, Miss Stark." Exclaimed the man in an excited tone. "It's in your blood, after all."

That's how you stop practicing for a while to sit in the basement, at the table Charles has set up for you, while you try to fix the radio and get in touch with the family you haven't heard from in months.

Your progress is minimal for two whole days.

You fix the outside, it is easy to do with magic.

The official stations of the wizarding world start working again, squeaky and with terrible quality, but they work.

You wonder if it is because you are isolated in the mountains that the signal is so bad, or if it is the protection spells.

"Charles said the mail doesn't come this far either." Wanda tells you as she brings you hot chocolate, a mug for herself in her hands. "I can't believe I didn't realize that until now."

You smile, muttering in understanding only because you have a pencil between your lips, as you try to learn to part an outline of the radio on a sheet of paper, to figure out exactly what is blocking so many stations on the device.

You take the object out of your mouth, and say to Wanda: "If I'm not wrong, they get the letters from the village, dear. That's why Charles goes out before sunset every Wednesday."

"Wait, what.. I never noticed that."

You giggle, focused on your work. "I know. That's because you fall deeply asleep in the early morning hours. It's the same time I get up to the bathroom, and you never notice that I' m out of bed."

Wanda is silent, and you turn your face to her, only to see her cheeks flush before she leans over and kisses you firmly on the mouth.

You sigh in surprise, and have no chance to respond because she pulls away, smiling tenderly.

"How did you notice all those things?"

You blink a moment away from the kiss. "I pay attention, Wands. On you, because I love you. On them, because I don't trust."

Wanda nods in understanding, and steals a quick kiss before letting you focus on fixing the radio again.

On Thursday, Charles finds a book of witchcraft mechanics at the very back of his collection inside the library, and places it on the table next to you, smiling contentedly.

"I think this will help."

It takes another three hours of reading for you to make considerable progress. Because when you know what you are doing, everything makes sense correctly.

Mechanic magic is difficult, mainly because it has to be shaped so as not to destroy the muggle' equipment, and it has to be as thin as radio waves. Laborious, and even stressful. You don't understand why the Starks like it so much.

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