Part XV - The Seventh Year (Part One)

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You tore the tips of the newspaper in your fingers before throwing it into the fire.

Whistling softly, you ignored the cold air of the house around you that seemed to drift through the layers of clothing without any difficulty as you stood up.

More correspondence with no news from Agatha.

It was still summer, but it was already the last month.

You have lost count of how many days you have been waiting for news from her.

Ever since she brought you to the Maximoff residence, and disappeared with Godric Gryffindor's sword, you have wondered if she would come back to tell you what it all meant after all.

The sorting hat is comfortably stored in the guest room, which you can practically start calling your own, since you are officially living with the Maximoffs until further notice, or until the wizarding war situation eases and the Stark mansion becomes a safe enough place to be rebuilt and you move back in.

For the time being, the rounds of walkers were still frequent in the place, and you couldn't go back on the property because they were looking for you.

The smell of coffee drew your attention away from the burning letters, and you moved to join everyone in the kitchen.

Gamora was passing jelly to Pietro while Nebula was practically falling asleep again against the chair. Erik was making coffee at the sink, whistling distractedly. Wanda was reading the Daily Prophet with her face propped up on her hand which her elbow was on the table, and she blushed when she noticed you looking at her, smiling shyly before turning her attention back to reading.

Everything seemed normal.

If you ignored the protective spell fields outside, the task force of dark wizards looking for you, the sense of constant danger you felt, the panic attacks and the traumas, it really did.

You bit the inside of your cheek, sitting down on the edge of the table in silence.

Eating didn't seem all that appealing, but your sisters always got worried when you didn't (Wanda too, but you hide things from her now), and wanting to avoid any argument, you forced yourself some cookies and a glass of milk.

Spacing out, you were a little surprised when Tony came through the kitchen door, greeting everyone cheerfully.

"Sorry I'm late, you know how the ministry is." He says as he places his work case on the table. You gave him a weak smile when he gave you a kiss on the forehead, repeating the same with the girls.

"At least we're going to relax a little tonight." Pietro comments before taking a sip of juice.

"You should go get ready by the way, mister groom." Gamora remarks teasingly, poking Tony in the ribs and making him laugh.

The big news of your summer.

Tony and Steve were getting married tonight. You don't know how they became friends again, much less boyfriends. But you were happy for your brother.

And Tony always loved a party. And even at war, he argued about people needing to remember good things that should be celebrated.

So today would be the wedding party, and everyone would join the Maximoff residence. You were up early to help set up the tent in the backyard, and Tony had been switching shifts at the Ministry to get home in time.

Other news was that he was taking over your father's old job. You knew that Nebula intended to go in the same direction, and you were glad that life was moving for everyone despite the war.

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