Part XXVII - Epilogue

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The tea was weak.

So was Charles, so you thought it best not to say anything.

You were at Agatha's now, and it was cold and raining outside.

Charles welcomed you with a mug of tea, but he looked exhausted.

You wondered if it was because he missed her at home. Or if it was because since she was gone, he inherited everything. Including the lawsuits.

With the end of the war, someone had to answer for Agatha's crimes too.

You and Wanda told everything to the order and the ministry. But even so, she was still what the aurors called a "witch conspirator," and there were the legal issues of the relics that Charles forged as well.

It was a never-ending headache, but every time you and Wanda asked, he assured you that everything was under control.

"Don't worry about me, Stark." Charles says with a gentle smile. And he doesn't look younger like the charm from before, now even in the manor, you are able to see his real appearance. "Tell me how things are going with Wanda?"

You bite the inside of your cheek, shrugging.


Charles raises an eyebrow. You sigh.

"We're good, pal." You reply. "It's just...she hasn't been sleeping well."

He straightens his posture, encouraging you to speak. You play with the cup grabber.

"It's PTSD, buddy." You say in a low tone. "In some ways, it's worse for her. She actually believed I was dead, and I think she could feel that for a second you know. And now she wakes up in the middle of the night, shaking and crying, and I have no idea how to help her."

"I understand." He says, getting thoughtful for a moment. "You see, I believe there are two options. The first, is risky, but is usually the path that witches follow. You could use magic, to erase the trauma."

You frown.

"But I don't recommend that one." Charles says. "Because messing with memory is a dangerous thing, you know? What I suggest is what our muggles call therapy. A professional who will teach you to lead with all that has happened. In fact, now that we have a new model of government, who knows what changes will occur, right? Maybe magic therapists will become more common in England." Charles counters with a smile, getting up to go to one of the cupboards.

He searches through the smaller drawers for a few moments, until he pulls out a small business card.

"I know some people who can help you." Charles says handing you the item. "They are a special kind of witches, connected with healing magic. You'll find them in Tibet, in a place called Kamar-Taj. If I'm not mistaken, Mister Stephen Strange, spent many years studying with them."

"Thank you, Charles." You say with a smile, tucking the item away in your jacket. "And how did the matter of the house turn out? Are you sure you want to sell?"

Charles sighs, looking around a moment.

"Yeah, it's... it's her house, Y/N." He says. "Even though I've lived here all these years, I've always been a visitor. Everything here belonged to her, the walls seem to guard her presence. I need something new now that she's gone. Maybe I'll go to New York."

You smile, nodding. "I will miss you if you do Charles, but I understand."

"I'll miss you too, girl." He says. "But I will write. And you can be sure I want to be invited to when you and Wanda get married."

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