Part XII - The Sixth Year (Part Two)

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Your little nightly prank had an annoying impact on your routine.

As soon as you woke up, you had to deal with upset comments from your classmates who heard that because the "Stark girl" was caught outside, all dormitory doors were now guarded by the aurors.

"Thanks for the guard, Stark." Ironized Loki Odinson, as you passed him in the hallway on your way to the Charms classroom. You frowned in a mixture of anger and confusion, unable to figure out how the Slytherin people were already aware of the gossip.

But things always spread around the castle with great speed.

Things only got worse during the classes.

You had seen unforgivable curses before, and no, it didn't get any easier.

Professor Strange seemed as queasy as you, but the auror watching his class seemed to be enough for him to keep demonstrating how the curses worked.

You figured that if Charms was already this way, the principal should expect the students to actually use the curses in DADA, but to your surprise and also dissatisfaction, those classes were cancelled.

You found out as soon as you left the charms classroom, still nauseated from having witnessed Stephen use the death curse on a rabbit, as you walked towards the History of Magic room and found a small crowd of students around the bulletin board.

"It's DADA, it has just been removed from the calendar!" Count Mantis to you as she stretched through the crowd and managed to read the board. You widen your eyes.

"What?" you asked in surprise. "But what about Professor Fury?"

"I can't read it." Mantis complained but she didn't need to, because the crowd moved to see Professor Nick Fury leaving the room the next moment, looking perturbed.

"Good afternoon." He greeted everyone politely. Before he could leave, one of the girls was calling out to him.

"Professor, won't we have any more classes with you?" Valkyrie asked curiously.

"I will no longer teach Defense Against the Dark Art, Miss Brunnhilde." He answered the girl. "But I will continue as your teacher."

"And what will you teach, sir?" She retorted, and Nick sighed slightly. But it was not he who answered, but Principal Kaecilius, who approached the crowd from the hallway, his hands clasped in front of his body.

"It is not for teachers to decide what should or should not be learned about magic." The principal announced."Therefore, the minister has decided that divisions such as Defense or Attack are unnecessary. From now on, Professor Nick Fury will teach the Dark Arts. The minister trusts that education will keep you all on the right path."

The hall fell into complete silence, from shock. Fury looked almost ashamed of what he would have to do, but he followed the director away.

The crowd erupted into buzzing, and you turned to Mantis.

"I need to talk to Wanda." You said, but she pulled you by the sleeve just as you made mention of running off.

"No can do." She clarified. "Look around. The aurors are watching us, seeing if we're going to the classrooms. You need to wait for lunch."

You clenched your jaw as you noticed. Mantis was right, you also noticed a few feet away one of the Aurors telling a student who was sitting on the grass to get up and go find something to do.

"Come on then, Mantis." You grumbled before starting to walk.


You've never seen Professor Okoye so disgusted to be teaching anything than when she was talking about Mephisto.

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