Part XVI - The Seventh Year (Part Two)

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Stumbling to keep your balance, you bump into a wall, Wanda's firm hand in yours, and Pietro on the other side.

You don't even have time to get used to your surroundings before you are being pulled to walk.

"Keep your head down." Wanda urges as she guides you through the crowd of people.

You have no idea where you are, but you are on a street. A very busy one by the way.


"Novi Grad." Pietro answers before you are finished speaking. "Capital of Sokovia, W-we used to come here as kids. I don't know why I thought of it."

None of the muggles seemed to notice that the three of you appeared in the middle of the street, but the place was so crowded that you weren't surprised.

"Why are there so many people here?" You asked as Wanda pulled you down the street.

"It's the end of summer celebration, the streets get crowded." She replies, you finally reached an alley.

Wanda squinted against a pillar and you did the same, curious and a little lost. Pietro checked his surroundings with concern.

"What do we do now?" You ask and she sighs, fiddling with the bag she brought.

"We need to get back to the Order." She says. "If the ministry really has fallen, we can't be out here."

"Can't you just apparate us to one of the safe houses?" You ask, frowning as you notice her sticking her entire arm inside her bag. "How-?"

"Undetectable extension spell." She clarifies as she sees your expression, but you are only more surprised that she pulls out a set of clothes for you. "You'll draw attention in party clothes."

"You always find a way to surprise me, don't you sestra ?" Pietro mocks as you hurry to remove your jacket. The alley is empty, and you are running for your life, it wouldn't hurt if some stranger accidentally saw you change clothes. At worst, you would erase the memory of a muggle.

"Dad told me to be ready." She clarified as she pulled out a set of clothes for Pietro and herself as well, and mimicked your movements by unzipping her dress. "He thought it would be risky to have a party with so many people, and he wanted to make sure that if we needed to run away, I would be ready. I don't think he imagined the danger would come from outside."

"Honestly, I'm not even surprised." You grumble as you finish, and hold Wanda's purse while she gets changed.

With muggles' clothes, you can blend into the crowds of Sokovia. And Wanda guides the three of you between the streets, to what looks like a cafeteria that is empty.

You take the back table.

"How do we get back to order, Wanda?" Pietro asks as he sits down, and the girl sighs slightly.

"We need to make sure everyone has escaped the party first." She says. "They'll contact you when it's safe, since we can't just apparate directly into any safe houses."

You mutter in understanding, keeping quiet because you notice the waitress approaching.

"What would you like, sweethearts?" She asked with a small notebook in her hands.

Exchanging a quicky look with the other two, you clear your throat before speaking.

"Just a coffee is fine." You say and the Maximoffs asked for the same. As soon as the waitress moves back to behind the counter and inside the kitchen of the place, you guys start talking again.

"I gotta find a way to get back to your house, Wan." You said with concern. "I left everything behind, the hat, my wand and-" You stopped talking because Wanda is shaking her head in denial, signaling with her eyes to the purse she carries. "But how?" You asked impressed but she just smiles weakly.

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