Part XVII - The Seventh Year (Part Three)

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You are probably walking for way longer than you can take, but you force yourself to continue.

It's around six in the morning, maybe five.

Three hours since Agatha apparates you and Wanda to somewhere in Norway, way colder than the place you were before.

Furtonaly, the woman could cast coats, and she easily conjured them for you and Wanda. But you still kept your hand on hers, ignoring the gloves and trying to bring her some reassurance about Pietro while Agatha walked a few meters in front.

She said she had a safe place, and you and Wanda were too tired to deny it. Besides, she carried the bag with her, with everything that you two had, so it was more of like the only option you two had.

As your body starts giving up on you, Wanda holds your face in her hands, stopping walking.

"Agatha, she needs to sleep." She tells out loud, making the former headmistress sigh impatiently. "Let's camp for a couple of hours."

"I'm okay." You lied with your eyes heavy, but Wanda is looking at Agatha with a serious face.

"You two are a pain in my ass, children." The woman remarks with sarcasm but moves to conjure a tent in the woods next to you two.

In a couple of minutes, you are inside a simple, but very comfortable small tent, Wanda carrying you to the bed of one of the rooms.

As you lie down, you smile at her. "You won't need to share a bed with me now, Wands." You joke, making her laugh weakly as she also notices bunk across the room.

"I always want to sleep in the same bed as you, Y/N." She confesses as she strokes your hair, and your eyes get too heavy to stay open, but you still smile at her. "Now rest, my sweetheart."

You tried to mumble an "I love you" to her, but you felt too tired to complete the words. As you surrender to sleep, you didn't see the way Wanda's eyes filled with tears when she looked at the dry blood on your clothes.


When you woke up again, you were hearing an old slytherin hoodie that smelled like Wanda.

It made your heart race as you were smiling, getting up from the bed.

You notice that while you were asleep, Wanda managed to organize the stuff that was saved from her bag to the room. But most things were clearly from Agatha. Only the clothes were from Wanda, maybe the two spell books in the bed as well.

Walking back to the kitchen area, you stretch as you look around. You were alone.

The thought made you frown.

As you heard the noise of spells outside, you quickly moved to check, but felt relieved to see that it was just Agatha and Wanda trying, or better, failing, to hunt a rabbit.

Probably the two most powerful witches you knew, not being able to hit a small animal seemed a bit funny to you, so you laughed lightly as you watched, which drove Wanda's attention immediately.

"You're awake." She says with a smile as she moves to reach you, scanning you for any signs of discomfort. "How do you feel?"

"I'm okay." You answer, feeling a bit shy at her intense gaze, her hands going to your cheeks before she smiles timidly at you, moving away.

"We're trying to grab dinner." She clarifies as she turns her head to Agatha again, the witch now trying to hit the rabbit while hiding behind a tree.

"This is sad." You comment regarding their helpless effort, while taking a step forward, Wanda following you.

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