Part XXI - The PoisonQuinn's Cottage

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Wanda asks as soon as the ground stabilizes at your feet.

You take a deep breath, looking around. The beach is beautiful.

"Harley." You clarify. "Sorry, that was the first place that came to mind. Maybe I should try another one."

But before Wanda could agree, a blonde witch was emerging from inside the small cottage on the edge of the beach a few yards away, a confused look that turned into an excited exclamation when she recognized you.

"y/n!" She shouted contentedly, running to catch up with you.

You laughed as she threw herself into your arms, nearly knocking you to the ground.

"Good to see you too, Harley." You comment between giggles, and she only steps aside to greet Wanda, who has suddenly become a bit grumpy, in the same intensity.

You spend the next few minutes being pulled into the cottage, as you and Wanda try to superficially explain what happened and Harley prepares tea for you.

"It's so incredible to have you two here!" She says. "Everything is in chaos in London, but places like this feel like a private paradise."

Harley's speech is interrupted by a ringing bell, and you and Wanda exchange curious glances at the way she gets excited.

"It 's Ivy!"

Pamela Ivy is a very intimidating woman, to say the least. Her eyes are as green as the grass in her front yard, and she has an appraising expression, clearly apprehensive about coming home to find two wanted women having tea with her wife, especially during a war.

But Harley introduces you quickly, smiling all the while. You really missed her.

"You can stay." That's what Ivy said gently as soon as Harley finished speaking. "We have a guest room, I hope you don't mind the plants."

"No, it's perfect." Wanda says. "Just one night, we don't want to disturb you. We'll try to get back to my place as soon as possible."

Ivy lets out an exclamation as if remembering something, and walks quickly through the kitchen, until she fits into the cupboards and pulls out an old telephone.

"It's magic, I think it's one of Dad's inventions even, Miss Stark." She clarifies as she places the equipment on the table. "If you can manage to make it work, you can contact the wizards of the order."

"That's incredible, Ivy. Thank you so much."

When Ivy said "don't mind the plants", you expected two, maybe three vases in the corner of the room. Certainly a plant covering the ceiling, dozens of flowers on the floor, and even shelves of small pots were not in your plan.

But Wanda gave you a warning look, and you quickly fixed your expression so you wouldn't let Ivy know that maybe that was too much.

"Make yourselves at home, there are clean sheets in that closet, and the bathroom is down the hall to the right. I guess you must be missing a shower and a tub." She teases with a smile, probably knowing that most of the witches were fleeing across the country and camping wherever they could, comfort being the last priority.

You and Wanda quickly thanked her, and she left the room.

Looking around the room, you sighed, moving to sit on the bed as you took off your shoes.

Wanda moved to put her purse on top of the dresser, and suddenly you remembered.

"Do you think Agatha will come looking for the sword?" You ask worriedly, but Wanda just bites her lips, thoughtful.

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